<![CDATA[MyDailyFirefly - Blog]]>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:40:18 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[What Does God Say About The Coronavirus?]]>Mon, 09 Mar 2020 03:51:21 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/what-does-god-say-about-the-coronavirusPsalm 91:5-6 
​You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor the arrow that flies by day, Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
Yesterday we talked about the fact that the Bible addresses every issue of life, and has your answer for every question known to man.  Well, as I am writing this there is a virus sweeping the nation, and virtually the world, that has people not only frightened but also acting in crazy ways!  How so, you may ask.  Well, I for one, am suffering with a mild head cold. Because I am coughing, but have no fever, I am staying away from public places.  Last time I had a cold I made sure I had no fever and had tissues and hand sanitizer, and went about my daily routine.  Certainly, I would not go to nursing homes, hospitals, or to visit small children, but most other places would be okay.  Not with this virus!

Somehow, this time is different.  I personally am not concerned about the virus; I am, however, concerned about how people would respond to me coughing in their midst.  I have watched the News outlets show all the hand sanitizer wiped off the shelves, yet, doctors are saying washing your hands regularly is all you need.  The masks covering your nose and mouth, also sold out.  Medical professionals tell us that is worse because you touch your face to adjust the mask and you may be picking up the bacteria somewhere else and putting it right in your eyes.  

Let’s go back to the 'instruction book,' shall we?  Psalm 91 gives us a comforting picture of what God will do for us in troubling times — like a worldwide coronavirus outbreak.  But, along with this promise of God, comes a prerequisite.  Psalm 91, verse 1 says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”  When we spend time abiding in His presence there is a peace that comes over us that is unexplainable.  We can face uncertain times with the knowledge that God has our back.  How do we know this?  Well, for one thing, He tells us we do not need to fear the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor flies by day.  I for one prefer to believe that God has this virus all figured out.  As children of God He will protect us, just like we protect our children.  

It is when we become anxious, we use up resources in our bodies that we need to defend us from illness.  On top of that, the stress does not make anything else any better either.  It may be very tempting to get caught up in the hoopla surrounding the news of every new case (most people recover, by the way) — but stop for a minute, take a deep breath and remind yourself, I can relax, God’s in charge!
Question: Are you stressed about what the News is reporting about the coronavirus?  List three things you can do to help yourself relax and trust God.  Here’s the first: 1. Read Psalm 91 daily.
<![CDATA[What Are You Leaning On?]]>Sat, 07 Mar 2020 23:45:21 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/what-are-you-leaning-onProverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the 
Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to Him,
    and He will make your paths straight.
​​I am sure we all remember a time when in a Social Awareness Class our teachers posed this experiment:

Someone stands in front of a trusted friend and falls backward ‘trusting’ the standing friend will catch them.  Unfortunately, you cannot always trust that friend to catch!  My husband knew of a teacher he worked with who posed that question to his middle school students.  Everyone stood in place, but, when the time came to ‘catch,’ the boy didn’t! The boy in front fell, crashing to the floor and hurting his head.  The boy who did not catch thought it would be a funny prank and he would gain some status from his peers.  But his plan backfired.  Instead, they ridiculed him unmercifully until he threatened, then executed, a death wish on himself!  So incredibly sad.  Our words and actions matter.  They can bring life… or death.  

In the scripture we are looking at today, we are instructed to physically place our trust in the Lord, not in our own understanding of the situation.  The implication is that before you act, or re-act to any situation, lean on the Word!  Every single situation we face in life has already been addressed in the Bible.  Amazing, isn’t it?  Thousands of years ago God inspired over 30 writers to give us all we need to live life to the fullest, in God’s instruction book.  We just need to read it!  

So, before you ‘lean’ on anything for too long, check out what the Bible says about it!  When you place your trust in God, He will catch you every time!  

Question: Can you recall a time when you chose to lean on the Word of God for an answer or situation in life?  Feel free to share with our readers via the comment button below.             
<![CDATA[Judge and Jury]]>Fri, 06 Mar 2020 23:32:14 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/judge-and-juryII Timothy 4:1-2
  I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.
​I have often been on jury trials.   While many, if not most people do not like to be on a jury, I really enjoyed it!  Just to see the whole process at work, close up, was so educational to me.  I guess the time off work, maybe the drive, and of course the loss of your regular pay in exchange for the minimal pay a juror receives, are probably the factors for not wanting to be chosen.

In that process of course you have a judge.  He is really the referee in the courtroom.  While the jury hears the evidence of the crime committed, they are also charged by the judge with the heavy weight of making the correct decision.  It really is made clear to you in the judge’s instructions that this decision is placed on the shoulders of twelve human beings.  Still, in this life, we are not the judge or jury with our peers.  Only God is.  He is judge and jury, the One who sees all the evidence and decides the outcome.  

We have, however, been given many jobs to do by the Lord.  I call them ‘preach, point and push.’  In today's scriptural passage the apostle Paul is telling Timothy, and ultimately us, what we need to do until the ‘Judge’ returns.  So, let’s take a look at our job description — We have been told to "preach the word, reprove, rebuke and exhort."  And, we need to do all that with "great patience and instruction."

I’m just gonna say this first off… we will not all preach from a pulpit.  But, we will still preach!  My husband was a pastor of a church that declined to about 20 people before we were assigned there.  When we retired it was up to about 200.  Was that my husband’s doing?  Only in the sense that he did what he was told by the Holy Spirit.  Now scripture tells the Pastor of any church to "equip" the saints.  Once the people have the knowledge, they go out and ‘preach’ without even speaking a word.  In all of our actions, interactions, responses and behaviors, we are preaching!  Perhaps you've heard the age-old saying, "I preach the gospel everyday… sometimes, I use words!"  

I remember one job I had as office manager of a home health agency for the elderly.  The other woman in the office was very high strung.  One day when I returned after a day off she said, "You cannot take any time off again.  The office was in chaos!  But as soon as you walk in, the office is calm."  

I did not know what to make of that statement, but later the Holy Spirit reminded me, "When you walked in, I did too." And the Holy Spirit, part of the Godhead, carries a peace that passes all understanding.  My husband had similar experiences when he was a teacher.  When he was in the classroom, things ran smoothly.  The other teachers would tell him of the upheavals when he was not there.  That’s how we preach!  And those experiences give us the opportunities to explain the ‘hope' that lies within us.  

We also have been given the instruction to "reprove and rebuke" when we see people starting down the wrong path!  This one is much harder to do.   In some of the situations I have had to address with people, they do not always receive it well. It is their choice, for their own good, yet if they are not aware of this scripture verse, they may think you are out of line. 

Here are two experiences that come to mind with different outcomes.  We have seen couples living together without the blessing of marriage on their lives.  After explaining to one couple that God cannot bless them ‘abundantly’ without being under His covenant umbrella, they married.  Their lives were immediately free from the guilt and bondage of sin, and began to flourish.   On the other hand, the other couple continued to delay the marriage siting ‘money’ as their reasoning for the delay.  Since the cost of a marriage license is reasonable enough, that is not a good reason.  Their lives have continued to roll along like a car on a pot-hole ridden road.  Bumpy and rough, to say the least.  God just cannot go against His Word and bless sin.  

I am also reminded we have a responsibility to gently point to something that needs attention in a friend’s life.  We can be held accountable if we don’t.  Let’s say, gossip.  Put up a ‘stop sign’ when friends begin this one.  As difficult as it may seem, you are making them aware of something they may not have noticed, since it had become such a habit.  If nothing else, they will probably think twice before sharing some gossip with you.  

The last job we have is finishing what we started.  Once we have pointed to the sin, now we can point to the way that will bring peace and prosperity.  Exhortation is the ability to ‘give a little push’ in the right direction to people who have expressed their need to change.  You may do this by encouraging them to join a Bible study, or teach a Bible study.  Maybe it is to head a group, or just go to one.  Whatever it may be, we must use great patience and instruction when we exhort people.  Case in point: I am very new to blogging -- so my dear friend came along side me and patiently instructed me… for hours!  That’s an exhorter extraordinaire!  

So, watch how you are living your life.  Are you preaching a sermon that will expose a person’s sin and push them onto the right path?  Or… is your life preaching a sermon that is somewhat less than it should be?  You will be preaching, no matter what!

Question: Can you remember a time in your life when you gently 'gave a little push' in the right direction to someone who needed it?  How did that turn out?  Feel free to share with our readers via the comment button below.   
<![CDATA[The Triplets]]>Thu, 05 Mar 2020 05:30:40 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/the-tripletsI John 2:28
And now, dear children, continue in Him so that when He appears, we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming.
I have some questions for you.  How long has it been since you thought of yourself as a child?  If you have grown children, do you still think of them as children?  Remember the way you felt when your parents caught you doing something you were told not to do?  Or, do you remember the look on your children’s faces when you caught them doing something they weren’t supposed to do?

Now, let’s talk about the fact that in the eyes of God, we are still children!  Today's scripture verse is specifically calling us children.  In our eyes when we reach age 18-21 we are making most decisions on our own.  We may have our own apartment and be out from under Mom and Dad’s roof and rules.  We may have jobs, a car, a spouse, or even our own children.  But still, God is calling us "dear children" in His Word.

Let’s look at what a child is.  I was just at someone's home with 5-month-old triplets.  Imagine that.  This single Mom had to run some errands, get groceries, prescriptions, formula and diapers.  So, in our church we have a group of people who have signed up for 3-hour shifts (after background checks, of course) while she does the necessary things that keep a household running.  And since my hubby and I are retired, we volunteered!  

Of course, we first got a quick overview of their schedules -- each are different.  Each baby has their own bottle and formula.  Their cribs each have their names.  That is helpful, but... only if you know who is who!  Sara needed medication within 30 minutes after eating.  However, she fell right to sleep after her bottle.  Ben guzzled his bottle.  We changed his diaper, and he went back to sleep.  But Kira, well, she was not having any of that!  Her shock of red hair (the other two are bald) and her cry, told me she was her own little person and she was just not wanting that bottle!  She is breast fed and does not want a bottle just because her Mom is not there.  It’s not Kira's fault.  

Obviously, we felt bad -- but rocking, walking, cajoling, music and even my singing just did not help!  When Mom came to the door, she knew just what was the problem.  We left quickly knowing we had done our job.  Now she and she alone had to do hers. 

Yes, we are still children too.  Some of us are like Sara and Ben.  We follow the rules, go by the book, do as we are told.  Compliant.  Some of us, like Kira, want what we want, and we want it now!

Think about being Ben and Sara as you stand before God.  "Lord, I did as You asked me to do.  I followed Your plan to the best of my ability, with Your help.  I was confident You were always there to guide me and help me when I needed it.  I can stand here with a clear conscious."  And Kira?  Well, she represents those of us who like to push the envelope.  She makes her own schedule and rules, and forgets where her life and everything she has came from.  She will also stand before God one day, the Creator of the Universe, and I fear she will be ashamed.  She did not do the simple little things, like drink her nourishment, and live it.

How many of us are like Kira?  We think we know better, pushing away God, the only One with the hope, the answers, and the help in our lives.  These three precious babies will grow and change and make decisions to follow on the Godly path... or not.  One thing that will not change… they will always be God’s children.
Who do you identify with?  If you still behave like Kira, and you are an adult, take a minute and re-evaluate your life.  Are you listening to your Father God, or self?  Kira, Ben and Sara are still infants.  They will grow and change, learning new patterns and ways to achieve their goals.  However, they will always be children of God, as are we.  We will always be connected to Him with ‘heart strings.'  Some may try to break those strings, but it is impossible.  We will always be attached to our Creator.

I don’t know about you, but in my home things always went better for me if I did the right thing, the right way, the first time.  I find it is the same with God.  If we live by His book, our lives will be better and we can stand before our Father, unashamed.
(Additional Reading: Romans 8:16,17)

Question: As a child of God, can you remember a time He asked you to do something, and you disobeyed?  Feel free to share your learning experience in the comment section below.

<![CDATA[Up Up and Away!]]>Wed, 04 Mar 2020 05:30:00 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/up-up-and-awayColossians 3:1
​Since then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above.
There is an overwhelming feeling we get when our hearts are connected with another person!  In the movie Bambi, Thumper called it ‘twitterpated.’  We might call it love, but not always in the sense of lovers.  I know you have felt it in your lifetime!  It’s this feeling: You ‘popped the question’ (or had it popped to you), and if you had been waiting for it, and imagining when it would happen, you are twitterpated!’  As you are standing waiting for your bride to enter the church and walk down the aisle, your heart skips a beat in anticipation, then she enters and you are beside yourself with joy.

Or the doctor announces: ‘you have a healthy baby girl' (or boy).  You react with awe and your entire being rises for the occasion.  Or, your oldest makes the honor roll for the first time and your spirit soars.  Your youngest makes the basket that wins the game... oh yeah, you are soaring!

Or, maybe you just gave your heart to Jesus and promised to give your entire future to Him.  The burdens of this life lift and you feel like you are so light you can just float into the atmosphere!  That’s what Jesus is reminding us in today's scripture verse.  After all, He said our eternal dwelling place is in Heaven with HIM!
Let’s talk about that for a minute.  When our ‘heart is set’ on something, we have this idea that we will do that thing or get that thing.  I have ‘my heart set’ on a sapphire anniversary ring.  Sapphire is the gemstone for the 45th Anniversary.  June will be ours!  So, I have been stopping in every jewelry store at the mall, checking things out online, looking at my friend’s rings for ideas.  My heart is set on that ring!
We have some changes in our attitude when our heart is set on something.  Before we were thinking of marriage when our friends got engaged, it was great for them, but we were not twitterpated.  We may have been to many weddings, and the excitement of seeing the bride for the first time has you camera ready, but, you are not beside yourself with joy.  Oh sure we always enjoy new births, but nothing beats the voice of the doctor with the announcement of YOUR child, and no other child is as beautiful as yours!  Your entire being is in awe.

You get the picture.  These are all wonderful occasions, just not YOUR occasions.  Yet, when you receive Jesus into YOUR heart, when you have asked for forgiveness and said you will follow His lead, well, then you have your mind set on things above.  Since it’s you and your heart, it is so much more remarkable. It is YOUR occasion.  It is YOUR life that has changed.  It is YOU that has a place being prepared for you in the most glorious place in the universe -- Heaven!  From now on, your heart will be set on Jesus, and what He desires for your life.  Of course, your emotions and thoughts will be raised with Christ.  And, when you have been raised with Christ, well, you know what they say, "a rising tide lifts all boats." Be the ‘rising tide’ that lifts all boats to set their hearts on Jesus! 

Question: Can you remember the exact day you set your heart on Jesus for the first time?  Feel free to share that special occasion in the comment section below. 
<![CDATA[GPS... God's Protection System]]>Tue, 03 Mar 2020 05:00:00 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/gps-gods-protection-system1242813 I Thessalonians 4:10
Now may our God and Father Himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you.
It is so exciting when you are planning to have company at your home!  Getting to see friends and family you enjoy is one of the pleasures of life — connecting with those we love.  Even the preparation is a fun event as you plan and prepare special meals, get rooms ready and maybe plan to go to special places.   

But just imagine what that might have looked like back in Bible times.  With no plumbing, no extra bedrooms (for most folks), no grocery store trips, donut shops or rental cars.  Imagine the ‘letter delivery system.’  The mule gets stubborn and you get the letter guests are coming — the day before they arrive!  Needless to say, this would make any hostess/host a little anxious!  In today's scripture passage, Paul the Apostle tells the Thessalonians he is asking for God and Jesus to clear the way for him to get there for a visit.  Why would Paul need to ask God and Jesus to clear the way?  Let’s explore this…
Paul had already met these people, the Thessalonians, previously.  It appears they built a bond over the time he was with them, and he wanted to go back to see how they were doing in their new-found faith in Jesus (Read 1 Thessalonians Chapter 3).  Paul begins his plan for the trip by asking God Himself, and Jesus, to ‘clear the way’ for them.  These days we have GPS systems to tell us if there is road construction, accidents, detours or any other obstruction to our path.  Back in Bible times they had to rely on the best GPS system… prayer to God and Jesus!  Remember, Jesus did tell us to ask Him whatever we want, and He will answer it (Jeremiah 33:3).  
In Paul’s case he probably did not need to worry about construction or accidents, as much as robbers and powers of darkness that were seemingly lurking on every wilderness path — people who were desperate for food or water, demons who lived among the rocks hidden from passersby, or travelling caravans with nothing better to do.  We cannot begin to imagine the hindrances Paul and his friends might have encountered along the way, if they were not prayed up!  (Read Luke 10:30-37 and Daniel 10:12 for more accounts of hindrances.)
So, here’s the thing.  Since anything can happen to anybody anytime and anywhere, turn on your GPS (God’s Protection System) before you leave home.  Ask God to clear your path of any issues before you leave the driveway!

Question: Can you recall a time when God 
divinely protected you because of prayer?  Please share in the comment section below, our readers would love to know!
<![CDATA[A Party Invitation]]>Tue, 03 Mar 2020 04:30:00 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/a-party-invitationJohn 14:1-3 
​Do not let your heart be troubled, Trust in God, Trust also in Me.  In my Fathers house are many rooms.  If it were not so I would have told you.  I am going to prepare a place for you.
​I received an invitation to a party.  I was so excited to go because it was at a place that I had never been before, but the place was very well known, and very posh!  The invitation was from one of my best friends, so, I knew I would have a great time.  Only problem was that the restaurant was not very big!  And everyone I talked to about it, also got an invitation.

Hmmmm.  I began to wonder, then worry… would there be enough room?  I really am uncomfortable at parties that are wall to wall people.  Maybe I won’t go.  If I were to go, would I even see my host?  I have been to these events before where you are squeezing by people who are holding their food and beverage, and so are you.  Inevitably someone’s drink sloshes on you!  No, I won’t go… but, it is a beautiful place, and I do really like the people who invited me.  Okay, I’ll go.  Wait, that means parking will be packed too!  I really don’t like to go an hour early to get a parking place!  I won’t go. 

Maybe you have had a similar debate with yourself about something you have been invited to.  But just think.  Would the host really invite so many people that you would be squished?  Would the Fire Marshall even allow that?  In today's scripture verse Jesus is talking about a home He is preparing for us to dwell in for eternity, once we get to Heaven.  He is working on it even now, and I am sure since He rules the Universe, there will be enough room for everyone who professes Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

So, I decided to go.  So glad I did!  The venue was having such a surge in their business, they expanded the hall… and the parking.  I had a blast.  Food was great, and, my host took time to chat with me! 

Remember, this earth is NOT our permanent residence!  B
e sure you have sent back your heavenly R.S.V.P.  You are not going to want to miss this party! 

(Read Revelation 21 for further details on the ‘room’ Jesus is preparing for us.) 

Question: Have you ever wondered what your heavenly home (
​mansion) is going to look like?  Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
<![CDATA[Hello March!]]>Mon, 02 Mar 2020 03:30:00 GMThttps://mydailyfirefly.com/blog/hello-marchI Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him. 
March, it can be such a volatile month for the weather!  So much so that March has a phrase to describe it.  Perhaps you've heard the old adage: "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."  

We know that a lion, king of the beasts, can have power beyond compare, while the precious little lamb represents everything tame and innocent.  If you saw a lion just laying down in a sunny field near you, while a lamb playfully skipped around him, you would begin to wonder just how long will that lazy lion put up with that before making a ‘lamb lunch’ for himself.  

Yet, in a universe created by God and described in the book of Revelation (Chapter 21), God describes the "New Jerusalem.”  It's a place where the lion and lamb will live in peace together because that is the way God always intended it to be, even before Adam and Eve disobeyed God.  

But, here’s something to look forward to… God will do it again!  I don’t know about you but I am looking forward to running through a field with a cougar and black bear running right alongside me!  Psalm 4:8 gives us assurance we will dwell in safety, and Isaiah 11:6 says "The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and yearling together; and a child will lead them."  Wow, imagine that beautiful and peaceful scene.  According to our scripture verse for today, our human minds cannot even begin to conceive all the awesome things God has prepared for us. 

In this month of unpredictable weather patterns, one thing is certain -- God does have a beautiful new creation planned for us!

Question: What excites you most as you ponder the New Jerusalem?  Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.  