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Yeast overflowing the wooden bowl!

Matthew 6: 16

Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees.”

I wonder if you are thinking that yeast is an odd subject for a blog in an ‘encouraging’ website. Maybe-maybe not. Let’s explore it then you can let me know, ok?

First off, it seemed like a natural leap from bread. After all, yeast is the one item that gives that wonderful aroma that just entices you right to that fresh loaf. Yeast, however, has so much more for us to appreciate!

The yeast itself is actually a microscopic single-celled fungi. Sounds yummy, right? But wait. Yeast also has both antioxidant, and cell renewal properties. Yeast is able to improve both the skins smoothness, and texture. Yeast ferments are considered friendly in our digestive system, and are less likely to be rejected as a foreign object. It’s a beauty product.

Yeast also helps keep your digestive system in alignment (you may have even heard of a product with that name, yeast is an ingredient in it). The right amount of yeast in your body helps the immune system do it’s job. When we have taken antibiotics, the pro-biotics in yeast rebuild the system to fight off bad bacteria that the anti-biotic killed off. When yeast is in our gut it helps us absorb more vitamins and minerals into our bodies from our food, and even fights disease! Yeast is a heavy lifter.

A couple years ago a friend was telling me about the fermented drinks; kefir and kombucha. Both have yeast as their base. After looking it up myself, and drinking them, I began to feel better. Now, this blog is not getting any monetary value from telling you this. I do not take any responsibility for anything you might do with it either. This is just MY testimony. I will answer questions if you have them in my reply section.

Just think about it though, since it has been around since Genesis, and they did not have all the medicines we have today, is it possible that they already had the remedy for many ailments right in their own kitchens? Is it possible that they used this common fungi, and it helped them stay well? And we can use it as well? Ponder that while we think about the statement Jesus made about yeast, (above).

He was not talking about any type of food preparation when He made this statement to the disciples. He talked to them about yeast because He knew they would get the connection between the yeast and the religious leaders of the day. Yeast was such a common ingredient in their lives, they knew how it worked, and what Jesus was saying. Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees!

Just as the yeast would cause the bread to swell, increase in size, and maybe even overflow the bowl it is in, as the pictures shows, so was the sin of the Pharisees. Once they had a little power to teach the people, and a little authority, they began to let the power go to their heads! The common folk of Jesus’ day were not learned men. If the Pharisee told them it was in the Torah, they had no way to confirm that, and just believed it. This type of power became the indicator to the disciples that these were important people. People to listen to and follow.

Jesus warned them then, and I remind you now. People are just people. Not infallible, not sinless, not perfect. Even in our best intentions we can get it wrong. Scripture tells us to ‘test the spirits’ as not every spirit is from God.

I believe the Lord impressed me to do this particular blog now because there are so many conflicting opinions about so many things in this world. The only TRUTH we really have in in God’s Word. Everything must align with the Word, or be rejected. How do you know if it does align…read it for yourself!!!

Yeast, it can be an awesome asset to you. But, just like the sun, if it is taken in error, it can lead to eternal death! I have given you a lot of information today, please test it for yourself. Let me know what you find!

Here is my question; Given the information overload we have today, how do we find the truth? Give me your opinion.

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