An Open Letter from My Prison Cell

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“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

Matthew 5:9

Donna here, I know it’s a day early for ‘Friend Friday,’ but this post from Katie that came today in the mail moved me to tears! It will be posted over three days, so, keep coming back! I have 2 requests as you read this, please pray for her and the rest of the women in prisons. Men too! She is right there and tells us how important it is that they feel your prayer support and know they are not forgotten. I also ask if you have any suggestions about ways to help (her/them, please write in the reply section. Please write either way. Your opinion is important.

Now, here’s Katie;

By Katie Woolsey

                Our choices led us here.  For some of us it has saved our lives.  For some this is a brief detour.  For others, this is the greatest pain endured thus far.  Many of us are losing tragically large chunks of our lives, or even the rest of them.  We are drowning in the gray area of the justice system, the judgements, and an abyss of uncertainty.   We wake every   under the pressure of many things on our hearts and minds.  These are some of them;

Dear children,

                You are our biggest wound.  The regret regarding you is greatest only because we failed you.  This is not your fault.  You are direct blessings from God that we took for granted.  We never stopped loving you.  We became too greedy for our personal poisons.  But you are the reason we keep trying.

Dear Families and Friends,

                We  dream of you; of what it used to be like before we did what we did and caused so much pain.  We hold onto the memories just as much as you do.  The forgiveness, support and love we receive from you we suck in as if it’s the very oxygen we breathe.  We need you in any way you can be there for us…so that we may ALL  heal.

Dear Teachers/Leaders in the community,

                The statistics of crime and addiction are out of control.  Today’s students are in dire need of an education beyond Home Ec, Health and D.A.R.E.  Be extra aware of current events.  Research, and when you teach, be honest.  Be real.  And please don’t be impatient towards the child unable to keep their eyes open during class.  Don’t flinch from the child who looks like they could blow away with the wind.  When you see bruises, cuts, scars or questionable markings on the body, don’t chalk it up to ‘probably nothing.’  And remember, the blank stares are not always indifference.  They may tell you they are fine, but sometimes inside they are screaming.

Dear Churches and Believers,

                Don’t forget about us.  Prayer is the #1 most effective form of communication.  So while you may be out of sight, out of contact, we know the One who remains as our direct line.  We see our hurting peers brighten even for only a moment when told they are being prayed for; weather they believe or not.  Even from afar you are a crucial piece of the framework that keeps the puzzle together.  God hears you on our behalf, even when we don’t.


Dear Judges/D.A.’s/ Law Enforcement,

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