Somebody’s Watching You!

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Psalm 121:5 5The LORD watches over you- the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

At the shore in Ocean City, MD recently I opened all the curtains on the windows all the way.  I like the view of the ocean.  However, on one side of the room the window faced the next building of condominiums.  I was fascinated by the amount of rooms in this building, and the fact that each balcony looked like the door to a small cubby in a storage system from my vantage point. 

Each morning I would make my coffee and go to the table by the windows.  I would open all the drapes wide, and the windows if I could (Not always strong enough.)  After taking in the magnificent ocean, my interest turned to that ‘wall of cubbies’ next door.  Every morning it was a different scene.  Sometimes all I saw out there were the colorful towels and swim suits of the vacationers behind the doors.  Sometimes I would see a man come out and smoke a cigarette, or a couple watch the ocean together.  Sometimes it was several children still in their pajamas as they looked out and dreamed about their day.  Once I saw four people come out of the lowest rooms.  Their balcony was on the roof.  They got out, walked across the roof and just watched the majesty of the ocean.  I chuckled thinking that none of these people knew I was watching them.  I did not know them and they, wait, they were watching me too!  Aghhhh, I’m in my robe!

Up until that moment it never dawned on me that they could see me!  Then I made the leap, we are always being watched by someone.  You know what I mean.  Recently my husband and I were at my Mom’s apartment building.  She had given us the code to get in, so we used that instead of calling her.  Immediately the manager ran out of her office and explained, sternly, why we should not have the code.  And why she now had to change the code for the entire apartment building.  Not a happy camper.  There is the right way to get the door opened.  We were being watched.   You are at the grocery store, just you and your list, talking to yourself while comparing prices.  Someone is watching.  You are at a football game and your team does not get the points.  What did you say?  Who heard you?  You are being watched.

With that thought in the back, (or foremost) of our mind, how will it change your behavior?  Maybe you don’t really care whose watching.  Maybe you care a great deal.  We should care.  Not only are there people all around us who can watch how we behave and judge our merit, but our Father is always watching.  Remember the childhood song; ‘Oh be careful little…what you…’ and you fill in with each of our senses?  Yes, it is childish, but true!  I like to think that our Heavenly Father is so loving that He watches us to find something good He can boast about (remember Job?  God bragged about him to satan)   But I am afraid that is not always the case since the Bible tells us, ‘all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’

If we can get this phrase embedded into our hearts, I believe we would be better behaved as people in general, and believers specifically, Remember, somebody’s always watching you!

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