A Trilogy of Hope

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Romans 12:12 12Be joyful for all God is planning for you, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

I am not one to get involved in a ‘series’ when it comes to books or movies.  It just seems too long of a wait till the next one comes out, and I have forgotten the story line, or moved on to something else.  However, there is a series that I have gotten much enjoyment from.  While it came out in the 70’s, I did not start watching it until recently when my grandson got me interested…it’s ‘Star Wars’.  I have seen so many correlations between these ‘out of this world’ movies, and God’s Universe.  I will address more of these as time goes on, but today, I want to address just three words; be joyful, be patient and be prayerful. 

This verse reminds us that the God of this Universe has a great plan for us!  Think of that for a minute.  If you had all the resources ever made at your fingertips, what would you plan? Let your imagination go wild!  Inventions…cures for disease…fabulous trips…  The possibilities are endless.  Often, we are content to think in the little box that we are so used to doing.  Hey, think BIG!  We have a big God!  This scripture tells us to ‘be joyful for all God is planning’.  I sometimes wonder if we do not have access to His great plans because we are thinking too small.  Let that marinate in your mind as you allow your thoughts to connect with God’s plan.  That will make you glad for sure.

Back to ‘Star Wars’.  Did they have trouble?  Oh ya. Were they patient?  Not always!  But the Lord implores us we must be patient in trouble!  Really?  How do we do that?  Well, I had my femur broken by a Labrador retriever a little more than a year ago.  The healing of a bone to be useful again takes time.  I was not capable of standing on it on my own for a long time.  I had to be patient with doctor’s as they inspected their ‘work’, therapists as they instructed me how to walk again.  I had to be patient with my family as I sat with my leg elevated and they did the things I wanted to do.  Eventually, I was up and back to a ‘new normal’.  The entire process taught me to be patient with a lot of things.  Maybe, it was a lesson I needed to learn, and God knew this hard head would not get it any other way!

The third part of this ‘trilogy’ God gives us in this verse I did not see in ‘Star Wars’.  There were many times they really should have relied on God to help, but they called on ‘the Force’.  While the Force they call on in Star Wars does seem to be powerful, it is NOT THE force that created the universe.  Prayer to this Creative God gives us access to Power to go beyond a light saber or a space ship. 

If you watch any ‘Star Wars’ movies, remember ‘THE FORCE” that created the smallest particle, to the largest, and everything in between, lives in you in the manifest form of the Holy Spirit.  No weapon formed against you will prosper with that force inside you!

Question; What part of your life right now needs the power of the Holy Spirit to intervene?





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