
posted in: Obedience | 0

Proverbs 1:3333but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”


Let’s go back in time a little. I mean all the way back to the 60’s. Remember those little transistor radios that every kid had to have? I had a red one! Then, when our parents got tired of hearing all the do wop music, they got us ear buds. Who knew that we would all be buying hearing aids now? Well, maybe the hearing aid inventor, just kidding.

Remember it was difficult at times to find the right bandwidth? Even though the bandwidth was always there, we needed to ‘fine tune’ our search on the dial to get the station we wanted. I worked at a radio station for a while. It was a very low budget operation so, when we had winds or storms of any kind, the equipment would malfunction. Someone would physically need to go outside into some kind of a connector and realign the system…it wasn’t me! So glad for the technology we have today.

Even today we need to tune that radio station to the right frequency to be able to listen to our fav tunes. If you have a desire to hear from God, you need to ‘tune in’ as well. All the ‘white noise’ of the media, well meaning friends and family will not bring you to the ‘sweet spot’ on the bandwidth to hear from God. While He is always there, waiting, it is us who become distracted by all the stuff around us.

When we finally would get the station we wanted remember how rewarding it was to hear ‘our song’? Remember how the chorus would run around in our head for the rest of the day? Think about what our day can be like if that verse up top runs around in our head all day? With the ever present reminder of our safety, ease and no fear, we could relax and enjoy the blessings God provides, counting on Him to keep us safe.

We live in a time of turmoil right now. Weather patterns are in an uproar as well as the racial tensions (again). Not to even mention the risk to our health with a virus. We don’t really know if or when the enemy will turn on us. In my son’s area they recently had a derecho, a powerful windstorm without the funnel of a hurricane. The week before, they had rioters a few blocks away trying to break into Macy’s. They live near the King of Prussia Mall. These times are uncertain, to say the least.

So how do we tune into God’s bandwidth to avail ourselves of God’s promises? You got it…spend time with Him! I am sure you remember how long it would take us to adjust that radio to just the right frequency. Then we would move three feet away and it would be gone. The process would start again. We were willing to put in the time to get the station and song we wanted. How badly do we want to hear what God has to tell us? Enough to spend some time listening for His voice in the crazy white noise all around us? If you take the time to tune in to God you will find His bandwidth has always been there and will always be there. We need to spend the time to tune in. The tune from God is always our fav; safety, ease in living and no fear!

Take some time to ‘tune in’ to God’s bandwidth today!

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