What a Character!

posted in: opinion blog | 1


George Washington, First President of the USA

Has anyone ever called you a ‘character?’ The first time someone told me that I was a character, I was not so sure how to take it! After I was with them for a while I realized they were just complementing me on my funny personality. That’s not what we are talking about here. In this quote we see a list of six personality traits that are very valuable to establish in our lives. They are traits that were ‘caught’ as we saw our parents, grandparents and other significant people in our lives displayed then. Not so much anymore! Teachers in liberal schools, politicians, and even some commercials have taken up the responsibility to ‘teach.’ Unfortunately, that can go to a place we don’t want our children dabbling in, if we are not on top of it.

Yes, America did live by a ‘code of ethics’ that we agreed on. What has happened? When immigrants came to this country in the last century, they were eager to leave their oppressive governments behind them and embrace the freedom that the USA held. I remember my grandmother did not even want to talk about the ‘old country’ because the memories were repressive and poverty stricken. They wanted to embrace the ‘new country!’ The new country allowed them to go to any church they wanted to, train for any type of career they wanted. It wasn’t easy, but the inroads they made did make it easier for us!

Protesting against the country that gave you such tremendous opportunity was unthinkable! Destruction of property in this country was only produced by the rebels and ‘hoods.’ Those were the people we were taught to stay away from. Those people were few and far between, they were the ones in prisons!

So much in this beautiful country has changed, and will continue to slide down the slippery slope of ‘progressiveness’ if….we the remnant that still believe in the values of this nation, do not speak it out! We want our ‘old country’ back! We want the country that stood for the intact family with a Dad and Mom, (male and female by the way.) We want the country that reached out to others in the neighborhood that were struggling to make ends meet. Neighbors filled the gap. We want the country where doors and cars were not locked and we were not robbed nor vandalized in any way. If you thought of doing something like that a very harsh punishment would ensue, probably with a paddle! School was mandatory. No fines were needed for parents to encourage their children to go. They had to go, no questions asked. Church was also mandatory, every Sunday. The lessons there shaped our behaviors to love each other and work hard. Mom’s and Dad’s did work hard to provide for their families. ‘Welfare,’ as it was known back then, was the opportunity to work for the city to received assistance when you could not find a job. It was never a handout with no expectation of some work in return!

Now, I am saying these changes seemed to have only taken a downward turn since about 1962. School prayer, even a ‘moment of silence’, was removed. History has been revised to make it appear that this fledgling nation is a bad nation. Then in 1972, the year I graduated from high-school, the murder of babies in the womb became legal. That was a huge slide downward for this nation.

I remember a saying from when I was in high-school, in the Viet Nam era; “America, love it or leave it.” Of course, people never did, and they still threaten to do so. There is no other place to go where you have such freedoms. I am not saying ‘love it or leave it, I say; LOVE it enough to correctly make the changes we believe would make our country even greater. Here’s my list;

  1. PRAY II Chronicles 7:14 2 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
  2. VOTE YOUR VALUES That means research what the candidates stand for (if they will tell you.) Then go to the polls and cast your ballot. You go to the grocery store, hair dresser, bank and pharmacy. They are all important, but not voting has consequences!
  3. SHARE YOUR CONVICTIONS WITH OTHERS. Gone are the days when we kept silent! That only allows for the radicals to continue to encroach on the majority as the majority, is silent!
  4. LEARN THE CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN HISTORY FOR YOURSELF. You can get a copy of the constitution in the library, if you do not have one. The Hillsdale University has FREE courses on the constitution as well. A (small) book that helped me is, “The Constitution Made Easy” by Michael Holler.

I watched the other night at the Republican National Convention as 5 people renounced their country of birth and pledged their lives to the United States of America. These people, and many more, have been thrilled to come here and drink deeply of the freedoms we have here. They had to learn a great deal about our country before they pledged their lives to it. Why shouldn’t we?

Please tell me your thoughts in the reply section under the blogs.

  1. Ron

    Preach it sister!!! Words everyone needs to hear and follow. Democracy disappears when people no longer care or practice it. We must govern one nation under God!!

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