God Is More Than Enough!

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2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Just a note; While reading through some older posts I found this one. We are a little further than we were March 17th! Sometimes it’s good to look back to see how far we have come. Still, we have a way to go. The prayer above still holds…IF God’s people return to Him a healing will come to our land. I don’t even want to think about what will happen if we don’t!

Life has been a little confusing lately. Sure, washing our hands and giving ‘elbow bumps’ is fairly easy. Even carrying hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes everywhere is not much of a hardship. But my husband went to the grocery store this morning. I did not understand what was taking so long as he went when the store first opened and usually no one is there yet. Not so today! He said the place was mobbed. Signs on things said “LIMIT 2.” There was absolutely no toilet paper! And many items were on pallets – the people stocking could not get the items onto the shelves as people were taking them right off the pallets. 

He came home in some kind of a confused dither. He did not know what to make of it. Since it was ‘senior citizens discount day,’ they were there… in busses! They just stood staring like they were looking at King Kong. He felt very bad for their confusion.

My friend in Florida found the same circumstance in her local grocer. She only needed milk… and toilet paper! There was NO toilet paper, and very little milk. She got one gallon, then thought she should get another, just in case. There are only two adults in her house – how much milk can you drink? Well, she thought better of it and only got one. “A family may need it and not have because I took an extra.” She thought as we all should be thinking! I called my son. He lives near Philly. He sounded distressed and exhausted. He said he is going to work, but using sanitary precautions. He feels confused.

I said before in a blog, “God has given us every answer we need if we look into His Word.” This coronavirus crisis is no exception.

I can see the solution to this problem hanging as if in a cloud over us. It will stay hovered there, until…until we take the bull by the horns. Until we muster up the troops. Until we humble ourselves!

Do you remember at the Tower of Babel God confused the languages because people became arrogant and thought they could build a Tower to reach Heaven? God had a different plan. Do you think maybe He looks down now and sees how arrogant and disobedient we [as a nation] have become? Does He see we put sports ahead of Him on Sundays, and so our sports are gone? Is He looking at the amount of money we spend on cruises, trips, alcohol, even restaurants – yet we forget the local homeless shelter or the children who do not have clean water in Africa?

May I suggest that we take this time when so many of our activities have been curtailed to re-evaluate what we are doing with our lives. See, we only have this one life, so if something happens, we are with God. If nothing happens, God is with us. He is the only One that matters, and He knows what He is doing!

So, I ask you… with the time God has given you, are you tithing it each day?

With the money He allows you, do you tithe on that?

How about your talents? Have you tithed on using your talent for God’s Kingdom?

This may just be a test run for future events. So, what are we learning?

(Use of today’s scripture will be continued tomorrow… it’s just that good!)                  

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