Stay in Your Own Lane!

posted in: Obedience | 0

Hebrews 12:1 New International Version (NIV) 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, NIV

Did you ever see one of those little reminders on the road; ‘STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE?’ I chuckle when I see them because I wonder, why do we need to be told that? It’s like the warning on coffee cups; ‘CAUTION HOT!’ Sheesh! Are we a people who have gone unconscious? We know when driving that we should stay in our own lane…or do we? Look at the photo above! There are times when we drift into an ‘auto-pilot’ mode when we are on a familiar road. Suddenly we find ourselves at our destination and we don’t know how we got there! It may not be a disaster when we are driving on a fairly safe road, but what about driving on the ‘road of life?’

Yes, it could be a disaster then! We have a lane that has been carefully and lovingly designed for our benefit. Sometimes we look in the next lane and think; that one might get me to my goal even faster! We cannot see the potholes , curves or detours we will have to make up ahead if we veer off from our lane. We do not see the heartache, poverty, mistakes, illness on that lane further down . Oh, right now that road may look smoother and have fewer obstacles, but you cannot see that just around the next bend is a big rig trying to navigate that turn using your lane. We are not equipped to drive in someone else’s lane! Maybe you think your lane is unfair. Maybe you think that you don’t deserve the outcomes you are getting. Yet, your lane is perfect for you! The bumps, potholes and detours are just what you need to discipline yourself and strengthen your character to face what is further on your road.

You see, we have many promises from God that tell us He is with us, He never leaves us. But the promise in Isaiah 58:11 goes beyond that!

The Lord will provide for you, where He has guided you!

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden,

like a spring whose waters never fail.Isaiah 58:11

And you can take that promise on any road trip, just stay in the lane God has assigned for you!

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