Box of Blessings

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Proverbs 17:6 6

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

In another blog I talked about the ‘seeds’ blowing in the wind reproducing future generations. Let’s talk about them in our lives. I like what King Solomon says in this Proverb; ‘grand children are a crown to the aged.’

My husband and I are very blessed to have four grand-children. We love each one and treasure the times we can spend with them, but it is not without work and responsibility!

As a parent raising young children there always seems to be something that must be done, and the time to do what your goal was for that child may get moved to tomorrow’s list because today was just to busy. I remember that happening so many times that I think back and pray that the Lord filled in the gaps. Then I remember…grand-parents! Once a week my Mom would take one of the boys, and one of the daughters of my brother, out for dinner and an activity. It was a great time for them to just chat together and have adults that were not their parents, pour value into them. My Mother in-law lived right behind them, so a stop there after school or other events always was a welcoming event for her, and the boys as she always had their favorite snack! I am so thankful for those relationships with them as my grandparents had passed before I was old enough to appreciate them.

We do have responsibilities as the grand-parents. Since they are our ‘crowning glory,’ let’s not forget to polish our crowns!

First, we must pray for them continually! Pray that they will love and serve God. Pray that they will wait for their God given mate. Pray that they will listen to their parents and make wise choices. This takes time, but it is so worth it.

We must always try to affirm God’s calling on their lives. I like to chat with each of them about their futures, reminding them of a special skill they have that they might want to hone in on for a career. Even when purchasing gifts, instead of all toys, a gift that teaches is a wise investment. I have seen talents in each of them that I encourage. Grant has a creative mind. I allow him to look around at my craft stuff and make up his creation!

Listen to them anytime they want to talk. Even set up some talk opportunities. A walk in the park will stimulate chatter, then often turns to the important things going on in their lives. Jaron will chatter away about her school, church, friends and relationships when she is on a walk, or shopping trip and lunch with me and the cell phone is put away.

Gently offer wise counsel in their issues ahead of them. Even if they tell you something you are not happy about, love them unconditionally! Don’t be afraid you will ‘spoil them’! Evan has interests in math and engineering. We try to get him the supplies to have here when he comes over so it will be a productive visit.

Be creative, fun and attentive to them. Preston is just a bundle of active fun! I can give him a string with a ball and he can invent things to keep him busy, and dirty for hours.

Don’t ever undermine the authority of their parents.

Finally, Enjoy them! You will see some of you, and your children in each of them! That may have to cultivated-or weeded out!

Finally, the verse says ‘parents are the pride of their children. I remember I always enjoyed when Grandma had the boys and hubby and I could have some adult talk. Your children will appreciate the same from their parents. Funny thing though, who enjoys it more the parents or the grandparents?

Do you remember special times with your grandparents? It’s nice to go back for a while and remind yourself of those treasures. Give them to your grandchildren for their ‘box of memories!’

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