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Proverbs 14:12 12There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

One evening in the early fall I was returning from a meeting I had at church. I left my house while it was still light out, however since it gets dark early at this time of year, it was a dusky dark when I was heading home. I was waiting for a light to turn green so I could make my left turn. When it turned, I proceeded to turn, but I noticed there was a police car sitting in the street I was turning on to flashing his lights. I waved back at him as I knew several of the police in the borough and I (erroneously) assumed he was waving me on. Well, before long the police lights were right behind me flashing me to pull over. Of course I did. I dutifully rolled my window down and waited with my hands on the steering wheel for what seemed to be far longer than needed. Soon the officer sauntered over to the car and asked to see my license. I was being nice and polite and obedient and fished out my license. Soon he said, “you still don’t know why I pulled you over do you?” I was perfectly honest and said, “no, I really don’t.” He said, “Your lights aren’t on!” I was not sure if I should laugh or not, but I did anyway. I apologized profusely and put my lights on. He was amused, fortunately, and reminded me to pay attention to the need for lights as it is getting dark earlier. No fine! I thanked him and went on my way-grinning at my own negligence.

I got off with a warning! Of course, I knew it was a small infraction, but I could have received a ticket-but I didn’t. So, do you think that I remembered to put my lights on ever since then? Yes, I did. I had received grace and I appreciated it and did not want to take advantage of his kindness. I learned my lesson.

When we are STOPPED by a warning that comes from God, how do we respond? Do we accept God’s grace and say “Thanks for the warning Lord,” stopping the behavior? Do we sigh a sigh of relief thinking we did not get caught and continue in our sinful behavior? I have seen that situation in the lives of some people, and in our corporate lives as well. In this USA we are seeing warning signs, stop signs, flashing lights and many more caution signs. It may be in the weather; floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, derechos. Or it might be in illnesses; covid-19, influenza, H1N1. Or maybe terrorist activity, riots or ‘peaceful protests.’

Whenever something out of the ordinary occurs it is imperative to check with the Lord to see if He has a message of warning for us. Sometimes we are like I was, in a state of oblivious peace and we get ‘pulled over’, stopped in our tracks, for who knows what? There is always a reason, we need to ferret out the warning and heed!

Thinking about the return of Jesus to this earth to take His bride, the church, with Him to Heaven should have us on high alert! We should not continue to be walking through life with blinders on to the events signaling to us. Virtually every day in the news we see things happening that have not happened before. These may be the signs signalling to us STOP what you are doing and make the changes I have told you about before it is too late, and we get the ticket straight to hell. So, next time we get ‘pulled over ‘ by the Holy Spirit trying to give us a warning to STOP and pay attention, it is time to say, “Yes Lord!”

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