Corona…it means Crown!

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Genesis 4:77

If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

If you look at the photo above with an artistic eye, it’s very interesting.  Some might say it’s pretty.  You might think it’s a model for a new Lego toy.  Or a prototype for a space ship.  Since I am a greeting card maker, I think it might even be artistically pleasing to put a few on the front of a greeting card, in fact, I have a Christmas decoration that looks vaguely like that photo, but in white glitter.

As pretty, or interesting as we might think that thing is…. it’s deadly!  Now, not for everyone, that is what makes it even more hideous!  My immune system could be the one that is just compromised enough that virus tentacles reaching from someone’s hand, or sneeze-attacks my immune system!  Yours, may just as easily reject those little demons.

There is a verse all the way back in the first book of the Bible that I want to discuss today. 

Genesis 4:7 7If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

Sin.  We are all tempted by sin, it does not come to us looking like the devil we have seen in cartoons. Red cape, horns, and a pitchfork. We would recognize that and say…get away, or spray pepper spray in its eyes.   It does not come even as those scary images we might see in our nightmares.  We run from those and wake up, relieved it was only a bad dream.

No, just as corona disguises itself as a pretty design, and even has the name, ‘crown’, we associate with royalty, sin is a crown of thorns!  Ask anyone who has gone down the path into a sinful life.  At first, it’s fun, enjoyable, even sublime, but, it does not stay that way.  Sin will always take you further than you want to go, and keep you there longer than you want to stay.  Then those little appendages of sin have you so trapped in it; you are like a person wrapped in Velcro!  You cannot get out of that mess by yourself.  You need someone to rescue you.  Someone to piece by piece pull the Velcro off you, until you are released from the appendages of sin.

There is One who has a love for you, and the patience to help you out of your mess.  He will begin the process of saving you, only when you ask Him.  And He will stick with you long after the process is completed.

I ask you, are you trapped in a sin that has a hold on you like Velcro?    The difference between sin, and corona is, the Bible tells us we ALL have sinned!  been infected with the same sin, but sin is sin, and all sin needs a Savior.   We all have a weakened immune system when it comes to escape from our mess. Just ask Jesus to help you.  He will!! We have all sinned.  There is One who loved you enough to die for you and me to allow us to to be forgiven of that sin. We don’t need to feel the tentacles of entrapment any longer, JESUS AROSE FROM THE DEAD. He came to take your sin, and mine!

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