Blood Transfusion

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Blood Transfusion

Hi friends, Here is another blog from my husband! Hey, if you have a blog you would like to share I would love to read it, review it, and possibly post it!

Hebrews 9:22-24 New International Version (NIV22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

Several years ago my wife, Donna, had to have major surgery.  Her doctor suggested that she donate several pints of her own blood weeks before the scheduled operation so that they would have a supply of her own blood to give back to her, should she need it after the surgery was completed.

And the doctors were correct.  Her blood count had dropped to dangerous levels and she needed a transfusion quickly.  The doctors had a perfect match.  Donna was transfused with all of her own blood.  Her blood count numbers immediately went back to normal.  All was well and she recovered beautifully.

That same scenario can be said for all of us.  We are all dying in our sin and we are all in desperate need of a blood transfusion from a perfect match—sinless match—a sacrificial lamb.  We were dying due to the sin in us and needed someone to remove that sin and restore our life.  That lamb, of course, that I am referring to is Jesus Christ.  He died on a cross for our sins, not His!  He paid the price for our transgressions, not His!  He shed His blood so that we might be saved!  What a horrific beating and death our Savior willingly submitted to!  He cared so much for us that He was willing to lay down His own life so that we would not die but live forever!

I often wonder what would have happened if my wife had not listened to her doctor and given her own blood.  Would a perfect match of blood have been found for her in time?  What would my perfect life with her today be like if she was not a part of it?

That is why God sent His only Son into the world to die for our sins.  His Son, Jesus Christ, said yes to giving us His blood to wash away or sin and shame.

Without His willingness to die for us we would have a very different life today.  Every time we would sin we would have to kill a lamb or other animal and shed their blood to cover our sins.  Can you imagine the cost, let alone the mess, required for our remission of sin?

Jesus made life easy for us.  He provided the transfusion for our souls even before we were born.  Before we knew we would need a blood transfusion, He knew and supplied our need for a Savior.  He knew what we needed before we saw our need.  Hallelujah, what a Savior!

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