Evolution or Adaptation?

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Genesis 11:7-9

7Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” 8So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9That is why it was called Babel-because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

I have not thought of the word evolution in a very long time. In fact, I thought that entire theory had been pretty much debunked as it was only a theory, not ever proven. I was quite surprised to find out that the theory of evolution and several of Darwin’s other theories that deny God, are still being taught is schools all over! There has not been a shred of proven scientific fact that would lead us to believe that people evolved from any other species!

Now, that is not to say that there have not been changes in the same species, but that does not mean that the species changed. For example, a dinosaur (seen in photo above) did not evolve into a cat. Though as you can see, Archer my grandson’s cat does enjoy taking a cat nap (sorry I could not resist it) with Preston’s dinosaur. We can believe that a turtle may have had to stretch it’s neck to reach higher leaves on trees. We cannot believe that a turtle changed to a turtle from a dinosaur. It does make some kind of sense that as even we as humans adapt to our different environments and climates across the globe, so do people and species also adapt, depending on where they live.

For example, if you were born in hot climates with higher UV radiation, ( Africa, Papua New Guinea) you are more likely to have darker skin tones. The sun is closer, hotter and less likely to burn you if you skin is darker. Contrast that with pale folks who live in colder climates with lower UV radiation. Since all humans came from Noah’s sons, and he was married to one woman, it would make sense that all three sons would be about the same skin tones. However, when you know that from those eight (also Noah and his wife) all humans came, remember the flood wiped out all humans, then you might wonder about the women in the equations. Since these three sons and later generations moved around on the planet after the Tower of Babel, they certainly could have each moved to differing climate areas.

Since our body has amazing adaptive capabilities, (blood thins in higher elevations is just one) it stands to reason that no matter what color skin tones the eight people on the ark had, when they moved around the world to different climates, their skin tones adapted to help them resist skin cancer in hotter climates. They did not change into a different species, the great God of the universe allowed a protection method to help them ‘adapt’ to their new climate.

Before Darwin came up with his cock-eyed idea about 160 years ago, people believed in the God of the Heavens, and that same God made us according to His great design, in the image of Himself. What do you say we get back to that ‘theory’? As each year passes there is more evidence to support God’s plan, and de-bunk Darwin! What do you think about that?

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