posted in: Promises of God | 2

Corinthians 3:17-18 

Now the Lord is the the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of the Lord.


Ever wonder how children learn so quickly? I watch my grandchildren from out of town especially seem to grow in knowledge at twice the rate of speed that I did.

My granddaughter just graduated from high school and already has a plethora of knowledge in her pretty head that I did not acquire till much later in my life. My grandson is going into middle school. He is mesmerized by the rocket launch, and loves doing science experiments. Maybe a future astronaut in our family?

We have had many generations of people who have gained their knowledge from reading the Bible! As we have read it over so many years our information has increased. Our wisdom has increased and we are a more productive people.

When we walk with the Lord, we study His Word, listen to His Word, live out His Word, we cannot help but gain knowledge, and a thirst for more knowledge. The world is fascinating and finding out more about it is invigorating! As people who study the Word we have an advantage over those who don’t. How so? Well, many phrases come from the Bible. You would not know that if you did not read it. Many science and geography references become part of our vocabulary and knowledge we draw on. Some of which would not be learned in school, only from experience. There are many references to behavior and how to reduce anxiety that are very beneficial to keep us emotionally healthy. Much of the Psalms and Proverbs teach us ways to live peacefully, legally, and even free from marriage problems. It’s like free counseling!

This scripture is telling us when we have a ‘face to face’ relationship with the Lord, we are changed, invigorated, transformed from one level of information to a higher level. As we continue to know Him better, we continue to grow in knowledge, and life skills that keep us healthy and happy, and wise.

And you just thought the Bible was a spiritual book!

Question; what have you learned from the Bible that helped you in life that was not spiritual in nature?

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