Mind Your Manners!

posted in: Gratitude | 1

Psalms 92:1-2 – NKJV

 IT is a good to give thanks to the LORD, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, And Your faithfulness every night,

  I remember as a child my Mom would tell me to be sure I said ‘thank you’ any time anyone gave me something…even if I did not like it!  She said it was kind of them to think of me and that is what I am thanking them for.  I do remember a time when my Aunt gave me a matching set of gaudy pillows she made. I did not like them and had no use for them..  I looked at my Mom after I opened them and she gave me ‘the eye.’  I knew I had to thank my Aunt or else!  We have all had that experience!  Yet, if we were the giver instead of the receiver, we would also want a ‘thank you’ for the work, time and treasure it took to give you that gift.  Our Heavenly Father provides everything for us.  Even if we think we work for it, He gave us the job, the strength and the ability to do the work.

There are so many more things we can give thanks for. Here are my ‘Top Ten’;

JESUS and His Forgiveness, as we forgive others

FREEDOM in the USA, pray that we will always be free

HEALTH and the promise of healing

PROVISION even when we don’t have what we want, we do have what we need

FAMILY they will always be there for us, as we are for them

FRIENDS, some come just when we need them, some stay forever

GOD and the fact that He made us in His image!

CREATIVITY, this is a way I like to think I take after God…a little…lol

HUSBAND…somehow God provided me with the best one ever, even when I don’t deserve him

CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN nothing keeps me more encouraged and hopeful for our future like these eight people I treasure

Remember that that every day we open our eyes should be ‘thanks-giving-day!’ There are so many more blessings in our lives to remind us to be thankful, even if our Mom is not around to give us ‘the eye.’ Here is a verse to get you started on your habit of THANKS!
November 1      Psalm 92:1 – NAS: It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; 

Let me know what is on your list of things you are thankful for, then thank God for at least one every day this month. I believe you will get into the habit of being a ‘thankful’ person!

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