Walk It Out, It’s Your American Duty!

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Amendment 26

Section I

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or diminished by the United States, or by any State because of age , as long as they are 18 years of age or older.

My granddaughter turned 18 this year! It is an exciting year for many teens as there are so many adventures that await you since now you are…18! Many responsibilities come with that age as well, like the right to vote. I remember in my high school years when we would hold class elections each year. First, we would all nominate our friends. That was the nice thing to do, after all. Once our friend declined, we began to get serious about who would really be thee best person to do the job we needed done for the class that year. One year I was nominated for Vice President. I said yes, thinking, how hard could it be? I just did what the President told me to do. Well, I did not know I had to have my own plan to present to the class. I had to give speeches describing that plan, and I even had to have a marketing plan to present these ideas to my fellow classmates. Needless to say, my lack of knowledge and preparedness cost me the election. It was a great learning experience, however!

With the national election for the President of the United States going on today, I just wanted to share some of my thoughts. First of all, women did not even have the right to vote until 1920! It is surprising to us now, but women really did not have a lot of rights before that time in our history. We’ve come a long way, baby!

Going back to my granddaughter and voting for the first time in a Presidential election. I first voted in 1972. I had graduated from high school in June and I was anxious to ‘exert my right to vote as an American citizen.’ Since I did not come from a long ling of any voters, it was up to me to do my due diligence , research, soul searching, and praying before I voted. After I voted it was my responsibility to support and respect the winners, no mater if it was my candidate, or not.

So, with all these memories fresh in my mind, I talked it over with my son and daughter-in-law to be sure they had given some instruction to my granddaughter-they did. I believe it is still the same instruction that works for us all today. Think Pray Vote

THINK about what your beliefs and values are in your heart of hearts. Taxes, Gender marriages, health care, immigration, jail terms, political terms, abortion and on and on. List the top 3 you will not compromise on. Research the candidates. What one aligns best with your ‘top three?’

PRAY about what God has to say in the issues that are being presented to you in the candidates platforms. God has some very clear ‘thou shalt not’ commandments in His Word. My number 1 is, ‘Thou shalt not murder.’ If a candidate does not pass my pro-life test, I do not endorse them! There can be many other issues I disagree with in that candidate, but if they consistently voted for life, they get my vote. This year the choice for President is easy. There is only one who votes for life. The blood of the unborn will be on our hands of we vote to murder our babies. Especially while we are being so adamant about saving them from covid-19 ,if they have been allowed to live.

VOTE as soon as you can. This is a tremendous privileged that many in other nations have no possibility of ever having. Please don’t take this right for granted, or think your vote won’t count. Just the effort you put forth to go vote is seen by God, and I believe He smiles on this nation.

Please give me a ‘shout out’ about yourself and say, “I VOTED”, and I was happy to be a small part in this incredible USA process!

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