Look at this Nana!

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2 Timothy 1:5 5I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

My husband and I took our grandson for the day and went Christmas shopping! He is a great kid and we had a fun time. I enjoy hearing about all the things he is learning at school, his latest drum lesson, complete with his teacher’s funny habits. He also tells us all about the political scene, as he sees it, and what he is doing at his ‘job.’ He helps his parents at their job and gets some pay for helping them. Great learning experience since money is so much harder to spend when you have had to work for it. But he did let go of some of his money for special presents for his family.

As we were leaving the store, that great marketing strategy faced him, right at his eye level! Wow, look at this Nana! I heard his 11 year old, still high pitched voice exclaim. I was looking at a cellophane bag full of 72 teeny-tiny Lego bricks that were supposed to turn into a tree, if you were over 6 years old. Well, I’m over six but I knew they would never turn into a tree in my hands, so, I figured he was the one interested in them. He is always too polite to ask for anything, but he can be cajoled into saying, ‘yes, I would like those’, if you badgered him enough! They were taught not to ask us for any toys, or you would not get them.

Of course, we got them for him, and at 30% off with a coupon, I might add! When we got home and he strewed them all across the play room floor, I watched him. So sweet, so innocent, so loving of his family and Jesus. I asked the Lord to keep him that way. Please do not allow any wicked ways, or selfish temperament penetrate his heart. Always keep him on the path with Jesus and keep his heart pure.

As he was making the Lego tree he was telling me how great the instructions are in any Lego block packages. They show each step in the process, rather than describe the step with words. For a visual person, like him, and me- that is a great advantage. But sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and read the instructions! Of course, now you can have them read to you on some aps, but however you get those instructions in there, you must know them! I am talking about the Bible, of course. The Bible is THE instruction book for our lives. Every answer to any question can be found between it’s covers. We just need too read it. I hear people who will say derogatory things about the Bible. When you ask if they have read it, you can guess the answer…no. That is foolish. At least read it before judging it. Well, Evan’s tree came out looking just like it was supposed to look…a Christmas tree. When we read and heed the words of the Bible, we will look just like we should too…JESUS! While I have these opportunities with my grandchildren, I plan to look like Timothy’s grandmother too. She showed Timothy’s mother the way, then Timothy. I have heard it said that God does not have grandchildren, but God’s children do, and it is our job to show them Jesus

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