I Didn’t Do It!

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James 4:17 17

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

My brother and I had a somewhat challenging childhood. It got even more crazy when my Mom re-married a few years after my Dad passed away. Now there were five us under the age of 18 in a three bedroom home. None of us wanted to take any responsibility for what was going on in the home. As a result, we often heard that phrase; “I didn’t do it”, and we often got away with it because, well, there were 5 of us and only 2 of them! “Who drank the last of the milk and left the empty carton in the frige?” “I didn’t do it” Was the common response.

Who used up the last of the butter and did not put out a new stick? “I didn’t do it”

Or the worst one, “Who used the last of the toilet paper and did not put on a new roll?” “I didn’t do it.

Are you seeing a theme here? I wonder if this type of ‘passing the buck’ goes on in many households. I have even seen a commercial using this phrase, so, I’m pretty sure it’s kind of common. I never understood this, though, how finding out who did it would make it any better-or worse? The deed was done and it was time to learn not to do it the next time! But, all we wanted to do was shirk our responsibility and just run to our next thing, making the ‘next guy’ have to fix the situation.

I was thinking about what God says about this phrase. While we are thinking, “I didn’t do it” gets us out of trouble, (especially if we really didn’t do it), not true with God! When we say; I didn’t do it’ we often must hang our head in shame! He asked, implored, even shouted to us to do, well, whatever it was, and we dropped the ball! We had every excuse in the book why we could not do it, taking no thought for how we should do it! Maybe we were supposed to call someone , or send a card. Especially important during these days of isolation. We often hear that ‘still small voice’, but completely ignore it! That is sin!

All the things God asks us to do are most definitely within our power to do. He never asks us to do something impossible for us to do. That would be cruel! Instead, He asks then provides the ways and means to be able to do it. He often asks us to do something by asking someone els to ask us! We were asked to deliver some meals to some of our ‘alone’ congregants. We said yes. That was not a direct request from the Holy Spirit, but come through someone who had the information, and needed someone. We will be blessed, I know it.

Another example, when I kept hearing the Holy Spirit telling me to write this blog, I had every excuse I could think of. One by one every excuse was defeated until I stood with no defense! I began writing daily and found there were people who helped me with the computer part of it that I did not understand. Others helped with the finances, and even others helped by heading it and responding to it, letting me know it was an encouragement.

My suggestion as we go into this season of activity with friends and family (I hope), always be mindful of that small phrase that can convict, and even condemn; “I DIDN’T DO IT.” Then, just go do it!

Some things to consider DOING this season;

Send cards to people you have not seen in church in a while. They may be frightened of the virus and they are living in isolation.

Call a local nursing home. Ask if you can drop of a greeting card for the residents an/or staff. Find out how many are there, then make or send a greeting for some or all.

Check on people you know are alone about their plans for Thanksgiving. Help where you can, bring a meal, invite them to your meal, etc.

So, these are just some downloads I received from the Holy Spirit. You may receive different ones, please share them with us. We will get through this, if we all ‘just do it!’

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