Standing at the Altar!

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John 8:32

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

She was ready! All the invitations were returned and most were coming. The church was packed! She stood with her beautiful train streaming down the aisle, and filling the width of the space between the pews. Her face was glowing with the excitement after waiting all these months for this day…it was finally here! Turning toward her groom to face him, as the Pastor instructed, you could see they were both glowing with the promise of the beautiful future that they planned together. The Pastor read the perfunctory question ‘is there anyone here who objects to this wedding, speak now or…’ the words trailed off as someone actually stood and spoke to the Pastor; “I object” The crowd hushed, holding their breath, waiting for the words that had the potential to end this joyous ceremony. Once the Bride heard the words; fraud, cheater, liar, manipulator, player, and others, she had a choice. She could just brush the words off like dandruff on a black suit, hoping this was just a false narrative, and go on with the wedding. After all, this may just be a disgruntled former suitor out for revenge. Or, she could stop the proceeding right there, send everyone home with no wedding, no celebration, no dinner, dancing or cake, and then investigate these claims until she is thoroughly convinced of the truth. Whatever it might be. At this point, the stake of her future is hanging in the balance. Continue with possibly a sham wedding full of deceit and heartache, or stop, investigate, then come to an intelligent decision with all the facts, not a romantic notion that ‘we will be able to work it out, after all, we love each other’!

This is where our country is right now! Everything has been done in the election process. Candidates gave their speeches and interviews revealing their platform, and their plan for the next four years, and solutions for the problems we face in the US. The voting places were ready with the proper personnel to securely manage the process and get a secure vote. But, something went wrong, very wrong! As a result, we the American people are standing at the ‘proverbial altar’ with a decision to make. If we continue to allow this election to go forward with no push-back, the fate of our voting system is on shaking ground as the perpetrators of this election hoax will believe they got away with rigging the most honorable voting system in the world. In the next years of our voting process, the system will always be under a shadow of doubt; ‘did THEY rig this one?’ Before long the honor of the system will fall into an exercise in futility, as THEY always get the candidate they want, one way or another.

So let’s take a look at some aspects of this situation. First, the election ballots themselves. I for one, received about 3 requests weekly to send in to request a ‘mail-in ballot’ as it would be easier because covid threatened to be at the voting stations. That was 3 every week, for weeks! I ripped up all of them, but, had I requested one, would I only get one? Would it verify all my information, including the signature I have registered at the board of elections. My daughter-in-law received a ballot from New Jersey. She has never lived in New Jersey! It has been verified that many people that voted were dead, or lived in another state. The possibility to verify that many mail-in ballots without months of preparation beforehand is somewhat laughable! That was clearly proven when the actual day of the election arrived.. In some states the ballots could not be opened until the polls closed. In each voting place there should be a list of the ‘absentee ballots clearly posted for everyone to see. When the counting begins, the judge opens the ballots, the poll watches stand withing reading distance and read them. The majority and the minority inspectors are nearby as well. They are overseeing that one ballot with the name of a person listed on the wall roster, is indeed on the list. There is an outer envelope that is opened by the judge and set in a pile to be counted. Once the inner envelope, with the ballot, is separated from the outer, there is no way to link them together again. It is only possible to be sure the amount of envelopes in the pile match the number af absentee ballots requested. I can see a couple areas in that process that cause me alarm. Especially if it was not only the judge that was counting the plethora of ballots in this election. With the 2020 election, there were an exhaustive number of ballots for the judge to handle. When I was the majority inspector, if we had 20 absentee ballots it would be extra time to process them at the end of a long day. Think about handling thousands. Every name needs to be verified against the list, and the roster, and if they check out, they get fed through the voting machine for a final count. At that point, there is no difference between the in person, and the mail in.

This was just one of the aspects in question, and we may look at others at another time. But I just want you to think about out ‘one nation under God’. A nation for the people, and by the people. If the people are not satisfied with the way the process of the election was handled, we the people have every right to demand that the process be investigated. We have been a nation that votes for our officials for 244 years. If we want to continue to be a nation of freedom, we would not do our nation any good to ‘continue with the wedding and hope for the best.’ Please be patient with the process. Pray for wisdom for the people involved in the process. And when a truthful and exhaustive look at the process of this last election has been completed, support the decision whatever it may be. That is the American way!

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