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Matthew 2;2 niv

and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

Yeah! No school today! My brother and I squealed as we jumped around the room, enjoying our ‘moment.’ Then Mom came by reminding us, we still had church! We sighed deep sighs! See, I was raised in a Greek Orthodox church. January 6-7 were the days we celebrated Christmas in our home. We went to the mass first. It was l o n g, and mostly in Russian, and you had to pay attention because you knelt, stood, crossed yourself, sat and repeated what the Priest said all at specific times in the mass. If we didn’t pay attention, we might miss a cue and get a tap from Mom to remind us. As a child I did not have any understanding of what the mass was portraying to us, and motivating us to contemplate in our hearts. Of course, now I see the meaning of each part of the mass as it relates to the Old Testament.

Today, January 6th, is Epiphany. This represents the day that the magi who had been following a special star, finally got to see the baby Jesus. Their long trip did not happen without danger, and obstacles, but they were determined! This is the example they leave for us today-determination! It was the first presentation of the manifested deity to Gentiles! That is an important day in the lives of Christians as it is a reminder that though Jesus came as a Jew, to the Jews. God allowed us ALL, any who would believe on His name and in His sacrificial death, to become a member in His family! I for one am so thankful for that opportunity! I am also thankful for the opportunities we embrace in this country. They are worth fighting, in fact dying for!

The word Epiphany means a ‘sudden manifestation, especially of a Divine Being. It is an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure. It should be no surprise to those of us who have a Biblical understanding that the ‘certification of the electors’ will be happening on…Epiphany! The USA has been hanging in a type of limbo with no ‘declared’ winner of the Presidential election. Tomorrow, Epiphany, I am expecting a sudden, illuminating discovery! I am praying for it! We know that our God can break into the natural and just do a mighty disclosure that none expected. We need that miracle now!

Please do your part. Be prepared. Be forgiven. Be EXPECTING. Be watchful. Be humble!

I’ll meet you back here on Thursday to discuss the ‘Epiphany’!

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