Wake Up And Be Awesome!

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Zechariah 2:8

8For this is what the LORD Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you-for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye-

A few years ago when our youngest grandson stayed overnight on a visit, he sauntered up the stairs in the morning, leaned on the kitchen table where I was sitting, crossed his legs and announced; “well Nana, my bed is dry.” He had a proud little grin on his face. I wanted to double over with laughter, he was so adorable! Of course I didn’t. That was a huge accomplishment for him, and we were all proud (and relieved) that he had finally accomplished this monumental task. I wanted to give him my magnet… ‘wake up and be awesome!’

Every morning when I go downstairs to my prayer and Bible reading corner I see a magnet on my file cabinet that tells me what my day will be like. It says; “Wake up and Be Awesome!” It is a motivational reminder that if I am awake, and reading that, then I WILL HAVE AN AWESOME DAY! Why do we need to be reminded? I don’t know, but for some reason once we get older life seems to cut us down, chop us up spit us out and leave us to fend for ourselves.

Remember when you were a child and you drew a picture, well, it was supposed to be a picture. At age 3 it was a little wonky, but it went up on the frige, it was on FB, it was photographed and sent to grandparents with the proud comments from your parents accompanying it. Well, maybe the technology wasn’t there but the intention was.

I know parents today do that, I see it all the time on social media. They show the child the post and the child is encouraged to do even more. It is a great way to boost a child’s self-esteem and encourage them to press on. Somehow we seem to forget about the ‘pat on the back’ when others do something good that is beneficial to all. We forget that a little bit of gratitude goes a long way to help reproduce that behavior in a child, and an adult. What happens to us as we become more calloused to what the world throws at us, we retreat to our own thoughts about how we are doing. Those thoughts are not always accurate!

Let’s go to the one who created us and see what He says! He says we are the ‘apple of His eye.’ The apple represents the center of His eye, and universe! His eyes are always on us trying to catch us doing something He can be proud of, and even brag about, (remember Job?) So, if we know that we are Number 1 with God, and we are the apple of His eye, there is no reason to be stingy with our praise for others. A simple ‘thank you, or ‘good job’, or I appreciaete your hard work’ will go a long way to boost someone else in their view of themselves. But it must be honest. The other day someone told me I looked like I lost weight. I didn’t. I felt like I was being ‘schmoozed.’ Maybe I looked like I had, but I felt like I did not deserve the praise. We know when we have done something well.

“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected.” This is another one of my pithy statements that reminds me; any individual enjoys recognition for a job well done. Give it to others and I believe it will come back to you. If not, I know when you do something our Heavenly Father likes, He will see it and reward you openly! And always remember to; WAKE UP AND BE AWESOME!!

By the way, that is my granddaughter being her awesome self in the photo above. Let her motivate you too!

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