Nurses Have Patients!

posted in: Gratitude, opinion blog | 2

Romans 8:18 NKJV

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

“Donna, can you get me a fresh water, please?” Sweetie, I need my clothes washed, when you can!” Hey, I am getting hungry, what are you making for lunch?” You get the picture. This has been the majority of my day since last week when we got news that our son tested positive-and we were all exposed to him! We have been quarantined together, my husband, my Mom and myself.

Since my Mom is 85 and lives alone, we thought it best that she stay with us so we could keep our eyes on each other. Well, my Mom was experiencing shortness of breath as soon as we brought her here. My husband started coughing. They both are very fatigued. Of course, I kept a close eye on them.


Eat what you can….temperature check, pulse/oxygen check…write down who had what numbers…re-fill cups, make dinner…wash clothes…fold clothes…sanitize…keep in touch with the family and friends.

Tylenol for pain…help with shower for Mom…throw in clothes to be washed…fresh water…start the rotation again.

Well, after doing this for a few days, and hearing my husbands cough seem to get worse, we decided Monday was ER, covid test day. My husband was able to drive us down and drop us off while he parked the car in the parking garage in 9 degree weather across the street. I slowly walked my Mom in, she has leg issues. I was able to get them both registered and they did come out quickly and take them back to an exam room…covid symptoms they don’t mess with!

I had to leave the hospital. Not even a waiting room separated by a distance-leave! I did, of course.

Since their return and positive test result, I continue the routine…drink…temperature….pulse/oxygen…cook…wash…

It seems like a never ending process, yet, I know it will end, they will return to health, and all the responsibilities will be shared among us again. But for now, my love for them, and concern for their well-being compels me to continue the routine. They started lovingly calling me the ‘nurse’. I began thinking about those self-less heros. I know when I have been hospitalized I felt like my entire life transferred to their hands. These are people who often need to know what you need, even before you need it, and when you are stubborn, or nasty from pain, they take care of you anyway.

When I said ‘nurses have patients, it is a play on words. Of course they have patients, that is their job-take care of the patients. But, so much more important, they have ‘patience’! I am working on that one! I am just so thankful that one of us out of the three is not sick and can take care of the others. I am so thankful that I have had several friends and family offer to help with things we might need. I have taken them up on groceries, drinks (lol) and even a rotisserie chicken gift! We know we are in God’s care when we are taken care of by others. Thank You to all! Soon, I hope to pass that favor on to someone else that needs a hand! (Not necessarily with covid!).


This seems like a never-ending bad dream, this whole pandemic. But, in the grand plan for our lives, this is barely a blip on the radar. When we look at the glorious future the Lord is preparing for us in Heaven, these monotonous days of sickness will seem like a nothingberger!

So, just in case there is a day in the near future when there is no new blog, you will know what I am doing instead….”Donna, I need a water re-fill”. “Be right there Mom!” I yell back, lovingly!

2 Responses

  1. Randy Korb

    Sweetheart you brought a tear to my eye today. I’m sure your Mom and Ron could not have a better …Nurse…
    To take care of them and I’m praying that God will take care of you during all this. We love you all

    • Donna

      Awwwww I appreciate that Randy! Tryin to do the best I can to work my way out of a job! lol

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