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Romans 13:2-3 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.

Did you grow up with a sibling who always did the right thing?  You know the one I mean; at report card time, theirs was better than yours.  At chore time, there’s were done on time and perfectly.  At curfew, yup, in right on time, or a few minutes early!  That was the sibling the others loved to, well, kinda hate.  The rebel sibling just did not want to be bothered with schoolwork, and chores, and restraints.

Unfortunately for that rebel, we live in an orderly society that has rules, laws, and expectations for people (even for the storm-troopers, see photo).  That really is the best way to live in a society where people are safe, free and responsible for their own selves.

Guess who set up society like that?  Yes, God did!  Back in the beginning there are laws about how to treat others, and their property, and their families.  God told us through His Word how to establish homes, just societies and even how to handle food (no refrigeration remember) .  There were separate places for those who broke those laws, and even those who were ill with a contagious illness. 

When the law breaks, the society breaks down!

We are seeing that in our nation right now!  We have a firmly established set of laws, mostly for our own good and the good of the nation, (I know there are flaws, don’t bash me, ok?)  When our society follows the road signs, stops at the red light, stays on their own side of the road, things run smoothly. However, it’s not that way everywhere.    I like to watch shows about other countries.  On a show about India, the traffic just went helter skelter with people walking between cars, bikes, motorcycles, it was just crazy!  There were no traffic cops, no one was even concerned about this mix up of everyone trying to get to where they needed to be without running someone over. 

I know we do a lot of complaining about how ‘big government’ seems to be involved in everything, but, when my Dad went to Egypt, they stopped in the middle of the walk, lifted their clothes, squatted and urinated in the ditches!  I know we are having that issue now in California-it should not be!  I never saw that in my lifetime, and I don’t want to! We still need some government laws and clout!

Even back in Bible times there were places for the sick to be quarantined, the prisoner to be held away from society, and even places for privacy when it was necessary.  God set up these mandates to keep people healthy, safe, and able to get along with everyone else.

When we choose to disobey the law, we become rebels, and rebellious.  The Bible says ; 1 Samuel 15:23 23For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.   In other words, if you don’t want to obey those that have the authority over you, you belong in the enemy’s corner.  Unfortunately, for the rest of us, the sin of the rebellion spills out onto others.  Families, cities, states even countries are negatively impacted by this selfish behavior. We are experiencing this right now in pockets of our country. It’s a crime, literally!

Fortunately, there is redemption, even for the rebel!  Christ creates a clean heart and we become new creations in Him.  I know this first hand, I was a rebel myself at one time!   

Maybe you can relate to that rebel spirit that was once inside you. Can you share how Christ changed your heart?

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