Sacrificial Valentine

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Romans 5:7-8 NIV

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

So, today, Valentine’s Day 2021 is my 14th day of quarantine! I have had no symptoms, I feel fine and I am thankful for it as I have been able to care for my husband and Mom, both tested positive for covid-19. They each had mild symptoms and had a general ‘malaise’ and fatigue. My husband had mild pneumonia. He had no smell or taste since testing.

Since the testing, our hospital checks in on us every day to be sure we are not experiencing any further symptoms, and be sure we are all mending well. That has been a blessing for me just to know I have a professional keeping an eye on us and they would advise the next step if there were any problems. It has been helpful to have a thermometer and a pulse/oxygen meter you can get at the pharmacy. Checking these numbers twice a day keeps me informed of any change I need to address.

So, here is what I have learned in my short experience with covid-19. It seems each person exposed to the bacteria is affected differently. We had a Birthday/Graduation Celebration on the 30th of January. Our son came in from Philly area with his family. None of us knew at the time, but our son’s boss had been exposed to covid and unknowingly passed it to our son. We had a celebration dinner with him, and 10 others. Five of the 11 developed symptoms. The three youngest, our oldest son and myself came out unscathed. Being a curious soul, I ask why? Usually when you around people with a cold-you get it. Why are some not affected by exposure to covid-19?

These facts I am giving here today have NO scientific backing and they are not masquerading as doctor endorsed, but, if something in here helps you, yeah! First, out of the six of us with mild or no symptoms, four of us have A+ or AB+ blood types. The other 2 are under 10 years old. We don’t know the blood type of the other three that are sick. I drink a lot of coffee, no sugar or cream. I drink a lot of kombucha and kefir (probiotic drinks). I also take vitamins B, C, D and zinc, and put collagen in my breakfast cereal. I do not exercise, I have some extra weight, and I was diagnosed with diabetes 19 years ago. I am explaining all this in hopes that it helps someone else maybe adapt some habits that might be of help to avoid covid-19.

In the grand scheme of things, I think the fluids, especially the hot ones, may be the best defense, since there is no way to change your blood type and fluids ‘wash out’ any bacteria in your system.

So, on this Valentine’s Day 2021, I want to remind you that our true love for one another is expressed in sacrifice. We had some friends and family take time from their busy schedules to pray, send a card, bring over soup or a meal. We had other people run for groceries for you, or run to get things needed at the home you left (Mom), or call, text or message you. This is a sacrificial love. Even the nurses who call, or the one who comes to the house and puts his own well-being is at risk when they are in contact with an infected person. It is a conscious sacrifice.

Still, none of these heroic things that people have been doing compare to the sacrificial love that Jesus laid down on the cross! And, He chose to do it! None of us would have chosen to have covid-if we ever had that choice! He chose to sacrifice His own self, so that we may be able to become His brother or sister, and have His Dad, God, become our Dad too!

On this Valentine’s Day when we celebrate all things rosy, red, flowery , chocolaty and love related, remember love is a sacrifice! Maybe rather than flowers or chocolates, clean someone’s kitchen, or do their laundry…jus’ sayin’ Sacrificial Love Blessing to all!

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