A Sticky Reservation

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Revelation 21:27 NIV

Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

The other day my husband and I planned to go to a nice Italian restaurant with some friends. Since it was a Friday night and more people are usually going out on Friday’s, I called to reserve a table. The pleasant woman on the other end of the phone kindly explained that they do not take reservations at that restaurant. I said a disappointed, ‘Oh…’ We had been out before on Friday’s and the good places fill up quick! Since we were not going till a little later, I wanted to be sure we had a spot…but, no reservations! Suddenly she lowered her voice, asked me ‘how many? and what time did you expect to come?’ I answered, ‘4 people for 6:00.’

She explained that while they do not take reservations, and she did not take my name, she would write ‘4 at 6:00pm’ on a sticky note and be sure it was on the host’s desk!

I thanked her profusely but didn’t hold on to much hope for that non-reservation. However, when we arrived at 6:00pm, there was a very special window table waiting for us. I chuckled to myself. A reservation on a sticky note…and it worked!

We had a lovely dinner and I asked for half of mine to be boxed to take home. Then I left it there when we left the restaurant! I digress. How confident would you feel if you got that response from- let’s say, your bank.”Mrs. Liples, I will just write down your interest rate on a sticky note and post it on my board here. No problem, right? Or, ‘We have your diploma for your bachelors degree here on a sticky note! I would not be too confident that the bank would be taking the correct interest, and I am pretty sure my first employer would not accept a sticky note diploma in my job resume!

How about if you detailed your tax return on a sticky note? Or, list your ailments for your Dr. on a sticky note? Absurd, right?

So, then I made the leap to…what if our ‘eternal resting place’ was promised on such a flimsy document? I have used sticky notes for things I want to remember for a day or two, but eternity? No way! Yet so many people never give a second thought about what will happen to them when they die. Oh, people often joke about it. I’ve heard them joke, “when I die, I am going straight to hell for that!” Is their eternity written on a yellow sticky note ‘hell’? Do they realize that is a very real possibility? And hell is not a place to joke about! It is a very real place that God prepared for satan when he was thrown out of Heaven. It is a place of constant torture, torment and hell fire…forever! No break, no vacation, no relief!

So, think about it; you die, you are at the Pearl Gates and the Angel on duty is looking around for your name. There is no entrance unless your name is written there, but where! Suddenly you notice little colorful sticky notes all over the wall behind the angel. He begins looking for the name you told him, but he is struggling to find your name among the thousands that died just today, and have their name posted. Another angel walks in and asks to help, but, when he opens the door, a gust of wind blows in across the sticky notes! They go every which way, and the three of you start scrambling to capture all the colorful little post it notes. A very inefficient and inaccurate way to keep track of who has the credentials to enter into Heaven! A comical story.

I am so glad that our Savior made sure that our names are written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life”, securely, and permanently! He told us in a book that has stood the test of time-thousands of years, in fact. He said that, and so much more in this book so that we all would have the opportunity to read it, and find out the one and only way to Heaven. If we heed it, He said we will have our name written in that book. When we get to the entrance of Heaven, our name will be easy to find, and we will walk into glory.

I am sure this is a story you have known for years. You may have asked Jesus to come into your heart, rule your life, and you love Him. But, how many do you know that do not? With more people than every before in the USA alone shunning church, God and Godly values, it is our job to remind them their eternity is hanging in the balance. A sudden illness or accident could take them out without the opportunity to make amends on their death bed. What can we do? Tell them. When they are receptive you will know it. When you begin to speak about the things of God, they will listen. But, if you never speak of God, will they ever know?

I clearly remember a friend in high school that I liked a lot. She had friends, she was nice to me, we hung out at football games and in study hall. Years after graduation I saw her at a church I was invited to go to. I said; “Dee, you go here? You never told me!” Of course, it is all God’s timing, but, I just might have been receptive years before and saved myself a lot of misery. Let’s not keep the ‘good news’ of the only way to Heaven locked up in our hearts. Let’s make it part of our daily routine to share the gospel wherever and whenever we can. Time is running out. I for one don’t want someone to say to me; “Donna, you knew Jesus, and you never told me?” The enemy tries to stop us in our endeavor to share with ‘scare tactics’. Don’t be fooled by his lies, after all remember his name is on the sticky note going to hell!

Any thoughts?

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