A Shot in the Dark!

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2 Thessalonians 3:3-

(NKJV) 3 But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. 4 And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, both that you do and will do the things we command you.

I shot a gun….once! Our friend, Zane, a police officer, took my husband and I out to a very remote wooded area. He explained to us, several times, how to hold the glock, how to safely shoot the glock, and what to expect when we did shoot it. My husband went first. He made it look so easy! He held it correctly, looked at the target on a tree a ways away, cocked back the trigger and-bang! It came really close to the target, and gave him the experience of shooting a ‘glock’.

My turn. Zane went over all the safety rudiments again, I held that very powerful piece pf metal in my hands, rehearsed every instruction, cocked the gun, and shot! It nearly threw me to the ground! I was so excited just to do it I squealed and turned to Zane yelling I did it!” He, very seriously said, “and you will not do it again!” I was not fully aware that I had pointed the gun right at him with my hand still on the trigger! He put his hand over the gun, pushed my hand so the gun faced the earth, and removed it from my hand, for his own safety!

I am feeling the way Zane might have felt, but this time it is a syringe filled with a vaccine, held by the government, pointed at all of our arms! Please read and consider this information before you, or someone you care about takes the vaccine!

First, I must say that I do know that people have died from contracting this virus. Two very healthy, and fairly young men I know, have died from corona! Still, if there is a way to protect ourselves from that risk, it seems like a good opportunity, right? Wrong…maybe dead wrong!

I received many informational pieces on different social media platforms. Many, you read-and delete. They can still be found. Others I read, tried to share, and…got cancelled! Why? I would like you to think about why a post with no porn, no threats, no defamation of anyone’s character, would be removed? How does that violate social media laws? Is it violating MY freedom of speech law?

Let’s take a look at the post I refer too. In the two particular posts I refer to, the Dr’s both had years of experience in immunology. They both have many years of experience working in their fields of study, and they are considered experts. Dr. Hotze has a web site and a phone number I was able to capture from FB, then send it to my own email before it was cancelled. His email is hotzehwc.com, if you need more information.

Both Dr. Hotze and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny agree the covid-19 vaccine, is not a vaccine at all! It is an experimental gene therapy-and we are the Guinea pigs! The CDC gives the definition of a vaccine on it’s website; http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/imz-basics.htm. A vaccine is a product that stimulates a persons immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. If you are immune to a disease you can be exposed to it without becoming infected. The covid-19 ‘vaccine’ DOES NOT provide immunity to the disease, nor does it prevent the transmission of the disease. Therefore it does not meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine! It is a deceptive trade practice! Remember who is the ‘father of deception’? Keep that in mind as we move forward in this discussion! These pharmaceutical companies are lying to the public! The government health bureaucrats are also lying to the public. Not only are they lying, but they have taken down these types of posts on social media saying it violates some code they have, yet, murder, violence, vulgarities can still be found in abundance! Ask yourself…what don’t they want me to know?

The covid-19 expermental gene therapy is only designed to minimize your symptoms, if you were to be infected with the virus. That explains why you must still wear a mask after the vaccine, and remain ‘socially distanced’.

Let’s go over this again as it does get confusing, and is very hard to believe. The ‘vaccine’ for covid-19, is not a vaccine at all. It will reduce your symptoms if you do get the virus, but and it’s a BIG but, it will not stop the transmission of the disease if you have been exposed. So, why didn’t they just tell us the truth and present it for what it is? It still MAY have some value? Well, because the pharmaceutical companies are attempting to shield themselves from lawsuits. Injuries or deaths from vaccines are exempted by law from any product liability lawsuits! There you have it!

Since these ‘vaccines’ have not had any long term testing on animals, WE have become the guinea pigs! AND, since the ‘vaccine’ needs some human cells, the cells from aborted human babies are in the vaccine. (Check out Johnson and Johnson ingredients, the foreign ingredient, ‘vector’ s the human cells of babies. In a vaccine, once the work of preventing the illness is done, the vaccine dissipates in your system. Since this is NOT a vaccine, but rather gene therapy, and is actually altering your own genes with the human particles, and they never leave your body and are considered ‘markers’ in your system.

I hope this is bringing some awareness to your thought process. While I do not believe this is THE mark, I do believe it is the pre-cursor, an experiment of sorts to see how easily we humans can be deceived, and once the deception has taken place-the gun has been fired and it’s too late!

I will be researching this further. PLEASE let me know if you are interested in the topic, or are you going to say like many Americans, c’ est la vie’ ! I am content with my head in the sand. Please let me know!

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