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Up, Up and Away! A young superhero takes flight. It is never too early to be super.

It won’t be long now! In just a couple of days my book, ‘daily gems to spark your spirit’, will be released on Amazon and Barns and Noble! This devotional is a sample of the devotional style in the book. I hope you like it!

Psalm 55:6

I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.

“Look Mom, I can fly!” My son called me to the backyard as he practiced with his ‘super’ cape and mask I made for him. As he jumped off the back deck (the equivalent of 2 steps) I cheered for him, and my cape making skills!

I thought about how fun it would be to be able to fly! Any time the task gets difficult or the conversation gets too hot to handle, just reach for the mask and cape, and escape.

Now, I remind you, God tells us with Him, nothing is impossible. Yet, in the reality of nature as He planned it, we cannot fly. It’s for the birds! We also cannot live underwater without technical help. But, it would be nice.

In this Psalm David is seeking an escape. He wants to fly away, or wander away, but he wants to get away. From what? His ‘friends!’ Most times we want to see our friends, especially these ‘lock-down’ days. Not David! I think it has something to do with the kind of friends he had. He says;

Psalm 55:12-14 “If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide. 13But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, 14with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God, as we walked about among the worshipers.”

We have probably all had a friend we have had to part company with over the years. Maybe a betrayal like David had, maybe just a change in your focus, or lifestyle, or even a move in address. Whatever the reason, it still stings!

I have had all of the above circumstances for loosing a close friend. When I became a believer and my habits, mouth and preferences began aligning with those of Jesus, friends gradually slipped away. In many ways it was a good thing. The temptation to follow them was no longer there. Still the sting of rejection takes time to heal.

I believe in David’s case the lure of being a friend of the King tarnished when the King did not give in to the ‘friend’ requests. When we have some kind of influence we can often get requests that we are happy to help with, or find to be out of line. It is our choice to oblige, or say no and risk loosing a friend. My husband often says; “we deserve what we tolerate.” It appears that David did not tolerate what did not align with God. Do we? For the sake of holding on to a friendship, do we ‘overlook’ some things that bother our spiritual conscious?

When the Lord removes a friend from our lives, it is often for our benefit. Be the super hero you were meant to be, do not stray from the flight pattern set out for you by the Lord. He will send another friend, just be patient.

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