Stubborn Weeds!

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Galatians 5:22-25

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

My yard is really looking so beautiful, so green, and I am just enjoying looking at the front of our home! My husband does the front yard, beautifully, I might add. It looks like a photo from the ‘Emerald Isle’. The back yard, is my responsibility! Well, in all honesty, he does most of the work there too! I do have a section under our upper deck that is shaded. As a result, it is very limited as to what will grow there- that I want to grow there. If you know what I mean! Weeds have no problem growing in the shade. They seem to thrive on it! But I don’t want them there! So, I decided this year is the year I am going to get them out! So, with some help from my grandson, we tackled the job! We cut down those pesky weeds, and threw the stuff far away! Well, we had some days of rain, some days of sun, and those pests were back–with their friends! I look across the rest of the back yard and dandelions were sprouting everywhere too! Now, I must say, I personally think that dandelions are pretty, but my neighbor is not happy when they dry up into fuzzy headed seed parachutes and land in their well manicured lawns! They had to go too! After some thought, I knew they had to come out at the root! After some research, I found out that salt will kill those roots! Easy! We ‘salted’ the area with the Epsom salt and waited for growth. None. So far I am feeling like a weed conqueror! Somehow I know, however, that I will need to be diligent with that process. Somehow, somewhere, some way, those stinkers will return. I have my salt ready!

I’m thinking about our hearts and the ‘weeds’ that often grow in them. It seems like those drat ‘weeds’ will take root in our hearts and grow even without any encouragement. Weeds like unkindness, anger, unforgiveness, brash coarse talk, lies, miserable attitude, sarcasm, gossip, impatience, mocking…you get the picture. These weeds take root in our hearts and it is our responsibility to recognize and remove them. How? They are stubborn things. Well, just like the weeds in our grass, gently telling ourselves to stop that behavior, probably won’t be enough to get the ‘root’ of the issue. That will require more. It will require the application of the ‘weed killer’, salt! Salt is a cleanser, a purifier, the antithesis of the negative attributes we don’t want to grow in the garden of our hearts. The salt in this illustration is the Word of God! The Word is quick and powerful. It cuts in and cuts out the thoughts and behaviors that are in violation of the laws God gave us to have a prosperous life. First, we need to recognize that we have these weeds growing in the garden of our hearts. That will take some serious, and honest examination. We can easily trick ourselves into thinking, ‘that’s just the way I am’. Maybe, but God does not want you to stay that way. Sometimes they look pretty! The dandelion remember is a beautiful yellow flower, until it turns into that puffy invasive seed spreader we see on the cover of greeting cards. We, the adult in the room, must recognize it for what it is-destructive! Those behaviors in your lives will destroy relationships, with man and ultimately with God! Remove it at the root immediately and consistently. Eventually something good will begin to grow there and the weed will move on. Weeds and destructive behaviors are stubborn things…not impossible things to get rid of. Consistent application of the salt of the Word will remove and retrain us into the Godly example listed above in the scripture. Go check for weeds in your garden, uh, heart, today! I am checking mine…pass the salt please!

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