Me and My Shadow

posted in: Healing | 2

Acts 5:15

As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.

An old song speaks about “Me and my shadow strolling down the avenue.”  It referred to the fact that the person doing the singing only had himself to walk with.  He was a loner who had no friends.

But we who have Christ in us are not alone.  In fact, He is like a shadow that walks beside us daily. 

Acts 5:15 talks about the powerful presence of Peter that so moved the people in the town that they brought their sick out to the street in hopes that even just Peter’s shadow would cast upon them, and his shadow would heal their bodies!  People saw first-hand what happened to people who were sick when Peter prayed over them.  They saw what happened to sick people when Peter merely walked past them, and his shadow enveloped them.  They were instantly healed! Wow!  Now that’s a strong shadow!!!

Like it or not, our shadow as a Christ follower is inevitable as we stroll down the street.  We can’t hide it or even cover it up.  It should be casting a positive influence over all we come in contact with.

Let’s dissect our shadow.

            -My  shadow depicts me.  The only Bible some will ever read is my life walk.

            -My shadow is indestructible.  You can’t get rid of it.  It is always right beside you.

            -My shadow lengthens as the sun begins to set.  It appears to be several times taller  than my actual height.  I guess you can say I am walking “tall in the Lord.”

            -My shadow is the clearest when a very strong light is behind me. 

The bottom line is that as we walk close to God, our “shadow” should be a strong, positive influence on everyone we come in contact with each day.  The presence of God should be shining out of all of us, living a healing mark on those it touches. 

Have you checked your shadow lately?  Is it touching people in a positive way?

2 Responses

  1. Nancy Sanfilippo

    Good morning Donna,
    I want you to know that I love reading your blog every morning.

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