Just An Ordinary Day

posted in: Gratitude | 2

John 10:10 NIV 10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Today turned out to be a really enjoyable day.  You may not see it the same way I do, but sometimes we need to look, really hard, for the good in things.

  When I went outside this morning it was somewhat chilly.  The wind was blowing gentle ripples across the top of the pool, and the pool was a greenish.  Not very inviting…too chilly and too green to go for a dip.  I went on to think about other plans I made with my sister in law.  She and her husband were coming up from the Philly area for a funeral.  She and I were not going to go to the funeral to leave more room for family to attend, (covid-19 restrictions.’  I busied myself around the house with some cleaning, washing and getting information about a vacation spot until arrived.  So ordinary.

I checked on all my plants.  My snake plant is growing so well.  It was just re-potted into a bigger home and is already showing signs of growth.  My aloe vera, well, I am waiting to see if that holds on.  It broke off at the root and I re-potted that one also.  Time will tell. 

When my sister in law came, we sat on the deck and chatted, catching up on the news in our families.  We looked at my plants on the deck, they were really growing nicely.  I had been planning a trip to a ‘discount grocery’ store. She was interested in going, so off we went.  We both found many items at lower prices than usual.  Some we needed; some we didn’t.   One of the items I purchased was in a glass bottle (kombucha, a probiotic drink).  I bought five, at a very good price!  On the way out the store was giving away free matza crackers.  I really like them!  Well, our shopping was done, we returned to my home for unpacking the groceries.  I grabbed a bag with 2 glass bottles in it.  I had the bottom, but it slipped right out of my hands.  Crash, on the driveway went one bottle!  The bottle released the fizzy pink liquid and it rolled like lava from a volcano down the driveway.  My sister in law said, ‘look, the bottle did not even break.’  She was right. She stood the delicious drink upright and I went into the house with the other bottle.  Only the lid was broken.  Once I took that bottle in and repackaged it, I got the hose out and cleaned all the pink stuff off the driveway, and her car!  We laughed.

Oh, did I tell you, by this time it was 88 degrees outside.  Good thing because my shoes and capri’s were wet from the cleaning up.  They dried very quickly.   So, now we were getting hungry.  I called the restaurant I was hoping to go to.  Sometimes they are so busy you need reservations.  They had room, we were good to go, covid-19 still keeping people away, I guess.  We both enjoyed a wonderful meal!  I even had some to take home.

When we got back home our husbands were there and we talked about what we each had experienced that day. So ordinary. So delightful!

I hope I did not bore you with this ordinary day.  Sometimes ordinary is the best kind of day.  No one called me with an emergency.  All of our appliances are working (happy especially for the AC), we had enough gas in the car, enough money for groceries and our food.  The pool was looking a more normal color after my husband treated it, and it was 82 degrees.  Of course, my clothes were dry.  So ordinary. 

“I thank You Lord for this ordinary day.  I appreciate the fact that nothing happened today that rocked my world.  You kept it all on an even keel and gave me life to the full, even though it was so ordinary”. It is a good thing to thank God in all things!

2 Responses

  1. Janet Luples

    I enjoyed your blog today. Yes I am the sisters-in-law that spent the day with you. Thanking God for being able to share an ordinary day with you.

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