Frigid to Fire!

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Acts 17:28

“For in Him we live and move and have our being;”

Here in the Pocono Northeast we can experience some pretty frigid temperatures. You know what I mean. The kind of temperatures that take your breath away as soon as you walk out the door. Temperatures that seem to ‘pinch’ your nostrils together until they burn. The kind of temperatures that chill you-until you think the marrow in your bones is really turning to ice, and your legs are too heavy to move!

When I sat in my living room today to have my devotional time, I felt that kind of cold…in my own dining room! In April no less! I usually come to my ‘devotional’ chair with great expectations for a time of comfort and revelation with my Lord. Today, however, I felt ice cold!

Determined to have my quiet time of Bible reading, study and prayer anyway, I sat and closed my eyes in prayer. Beginning by thanking the Lord for all He has provided, I went down my list of blessings; health, home, provisions, family, etc. The room began to get warmer. I continued by reading in Psalms; ‘yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow, I will fear no evil for you are with me’. Hmmmm it’s getting warmer! Then as I had a chat with my Heavenly Father, I felt His presence and my frozen bones melted. My breathing slowed, and I could take deep breaths again.

I was reminded of a trip I took to Balboa Island in California. Picture this. I sat on the sea wall the sun was shining down on my hair, it’s warmth on the back of my neck was permeating every part of my being. I was truly warmed inside and out and I felt like a kid running around on the sandy shore, waves splashing noisily on my legs.

My enthusiasm ‘splashed’; on to everyone I met that day. Absorbing those warm rays from the sun not only energized me for the moment, but that warm glow lasted long after the sun went down.

That was what I experienced that day when I sat to pray, with a chilled heart, but as I sat with Jesus, I was absorbing the warmth and glow of ‘the Son’. I stood up with a new attitude and a ‘childlike’ faith after sitting with the Son. It made all the difference.

When we enter the Lord’s presence in prayer and thanksgiving, an unexplained transformation happens in our heart, and our mood. The day is warmer, brighter, and conquerable!

Let me ask you; feeling chilly today? Go to the SON and be warmed and filled as only He can do!

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