CHANGE Before You Have Too!

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Proverbs 22:6

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Dear Readers, I am feeling that I need to make some changes in this blog. Not really sure exactly where I am going from here. I do know that I need to focus more on the ‘Sparrow Song’ story. If you can bear with me I would really like to present more of the story when I can. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK This story is a thought for my next book . Here goes…


When we last left Sparrow she was sitting with her Mom in the ‘comfort chair’. Her Mom was explaining the meaning of the word ‘orphaned’, and Sparrow was fearful of what her Mom would say next. We continue from there;

I was having a few butterflies in my stomach, and my eyes were leaking a little as I waited to hear what Mom would say. She finally spoke, “I think this would be a great time to sing our song!” I did not want to sing our song! I knew she was changing the subject so I would get calm again. She started “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world…” I began slowly, “red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight” Those colors never meant so much to me as they did that day! My skin color was different, but Mom always made sure I knew I was a part of this family and skin color did not mean a thing, and I never thought about it-until then! See, from the time I was an infant I had tummy problems. I would cry in distress and either my Mom or Dad would hold me close and walk with me around the house while they sang , ‘Jesus loves the little children’. Eventually I would go back to sleep in their arms, all was well in my world as long as I could hear my parents singing to me. Now I sang with all the gusto my little frame could muster while thinking about what Mom might tell me. I didn’t wait long. She began as soon as we sang’ the last “Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

When the smile came back on my face, she told me the whole story. My Mom and Dad were always church goers. So, about 25 years earlier when a choir was coming to their little country church, of course the entire family planned to go to hear them. My Mom and Dad had two young girls and a boy, and they all went to church that evening to hear a choir of orphaned boys from South Korea. Of course the choir was just heart-warming, Mom said. The little fresh faced and sincere singers were just such a blessing and brought such a touching message to the entire congregation. When the choir director of the boys finally got up and spoke, the people hushed. The man gave a plea to this congregation that all of these young boys were able to be adopted by families in this congregation. Mom said, “I turned to your father and whispered, ‘we need to adopt one of these boys.’ Your Dad turned to me, grabbed my hand, and agreed.’ And, my little Sparrow, that is how we came to adopt Danny many years ago.

I was trying to figure that all out in my inexperienced mind, but before I could process it, she continued. “Danny, the boy we adopted, grew up with our three children just as one of them. He was about the same age, so he fit right into all their school activities, sports, and of course-church. We could always see a difference in his temperament, of course, he was from different parents. He leaned more toward a challenging personality, always stretching the rules to the very edge. My other three were compliant and went along with the rules, wanting to obey Mom and Dad. Danny often had to be corralled back into the framework of the family rules. Once the children reached adulthood, each married, and moved into their own homes to begin their own families. Not Danny! He wanted adventure! He enlisted in the military and he was off to boot camp. Now my home was an empty nest as he was the last one to leave.”

I squirmed a little in my chair. I was not sure what else Mom would say and I was really not sure how I would react to it. I was beginning to see that this adopted boy, Danny, looked more like me than he did my sisters and brother. Still, my young mind had no frame of reference to attach this information to, so it made no sense-yet.

Mom looked at me and said; “I can see some confusion on your sweet face. Let me tell you the rest! So, when Danny finished training he was shipped to California to work in military technology. He was very smart, and very handsome! We received letters from him, but they became more and more infrequent as time went by. The three other children lived pretty close to us and I enjoyed watching them as their new marriage relationships began to grow. I missed Danny so much, and I continued to send letters to him, but he was all wrapped up in the life he was leading.”

I had my thinking cap on and finally thought I was figuring this out. “So, Mom, Danny is my older brother like Sherri, Bethany and Benny are my sisters and brother, right?” I waited for her response, it was very slow in coming, but when it finally came, I was speechless. “Well, not exactly Sparrow my darling, see Danny met a girl and began living with her. She was kind of a flighty girl, not the settle down type, and before long, she was expecting a baby.”

Suddenly I felt the color rush right out of my face and I felt like I always do when I have to have a shot at the Doctor’s office. I did not want her to keep talking. I wanted her to keep her secret so that if I never heard it maybe it would not be true! But that was not to be. Mom put her arm around me to steady me from my shaking. Soon she said; “I think you may have figured it out, you, my little Sparrow, are that baby.”

So there it was, out in the open. I was not feeling anything. I did not want to hear anything. I was just sitting there thinking-and not thinking.

Mom said; “I will let you think about that for a while and when you have questions, we will talk again, okay Sparrow?” I just stared off into space with my ‘this is really hard’ look on my face.

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