Be A Snake Charmer!

posted in: Think About This! | 0
  1. Ecclesiastes 10:11 
  2. Suppose a snake bites before it is charmed. Then there isn’t any benefit in being a snake charmer.

Oh my goodness! I really did not expect to be holding a snake in my arms while attending a birthday party, but there I am. Did you ever have a desire to hold one of these interesting creatures? The handler told me exactly what to do as I held the ‘business’ end of the snake very close to it’s mouth. He just talked on and on about the snake breed and temperament-I had my eye on his mouth. Then he did something that really rattled me! He walked away. Something at the other end of the snake needed his attention, and he left me there with no one attending to that mouth. He had already stated that if the snake was disturbed at the other end-this end would strike! Of course, I was safe and nothing occurred while he was gone. But it did give me something to think about!

Snakes in the Bible always seem to be representative of satan. Probably because satan first appeared to ‘charm’ Eve with disobeying God. Yet, the verse from Ecclesiastes indicates that a snake can be ‘charmed’ and then be under our control-not the control of the enemy! I find that very interesting. Almost daily we as Christians look a snake in the eye. What do we do? What can we do?

First I believe we need to recognize the snake for who it is. Right now we are in a political climate because voting in the Primary election is so close. If anyone can be labeled a snake, or instrument of satan, it is a politician! In the defense of all the people running, not all who run are politicians, or snakes. How do we know the difference? Go to a meet and greet. When you go, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the intent and heart of the candidates. When we went to one recently Holy Spirit made clear to us that Paula Patrick, a woman running for Pennsylvania Supreme Court Judge is the ‘real deal’. By that I mean she is a believer in small government, accountability, she is pro-life, and she could have preached a sermon right there worthy of any Pentecostal Preacher. Her speech was sincere and not candy coated with the words we want to hear and her experience far exceeds other candidates. I am voting for her!

Another thought mentioned in the verse above is to be pro-active. By that I mean if we don’t anticipate when the snake will bite us and we don’t move out of the way, or clamp its mouth, all the knowledge we have accumulated about how to stop a snake from biting, will be of no use. We cannot allow the snake to bite first! By that time we are distracted with the wound, cannot think clearly, and become defeated before we were even able to take the first strike ourselves.

Snake charming is a gift… a gift of discernment. President Trump had this gift and tried to warn us. The snakes were still more prepared as we milled around trying to comfort our wounds. You know how we would really make a difference, in my estimation, PREPARE! We need to educate ourselves on the way our system operates. If some of the educational materials are over your head, don’t let that stop you. Go to the library and ask for an elementary level book on government and the constitution. It has been a long time since most of us studied any government subjects. When you are prepared with the information, get involved. First at your local level. A school board or borough meeting. Question things and do not be intimidated by those (snakes) who may think they know more, or have a majority. I worked at a poll as a minority inspector and took a lot of jabs, until the tide turned and I was the majority! Stay the course! History tells us that ‘we get what we deserve’. I personally believe we have the best nation in the world, and I will work to keep it that way! Anything worth having, is worth fighting for.

So, check out the snakes. They are really not as big as we sometimes make them out to be. Once we are ‘armed’ with an education, we just might have the knowledge to ‘charm’ that snake before it bites us…again! Remember, God is on the side of truth. Ferret out the truth and stand on that side. Are you a snake charmer? I am!

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