How Do You Drink Your Water?

posted in: Encouragement | 2

Judges 7:5 5So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the LORD told him, “Separate those who lap the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who kneel down to drink.”

I don’t know how you felt about it, but the first time I read that verse, I was confused! But let’s back up a bit to Gideon. First of all I love the hero Gideon. he is so relatable, isn’t he? Hiding in a wine press threshing wheat to keep from being discovered by the Midianites, that’s my kind of hero! He was minding his own business when God called him a ‘mighty warrior’. I can just picture this guy saying; “are you talkin’ to me?” He did not want to be a warrior. He was just doing what he had to do to survive when God spotted him and saw the ‘inner’ Gideon. The one he had the potential to become, and probably longed to become!

So Gideon had a conversation with God about how he was the least of all the tribes, God said I will be with you. After Gideon tests God to be sure he heard correctly, he has some great successes tearing down some ungodly altars to the prophets of Baal. Now he’s pumped!

When Gideon finally got confirmation that he was supposed to take back Israel from the Midianites, he moved forward quickly. With 32, 000 men he felt confident he could win. The Lord did not see it the same way. God said, “if anyone fearful, may leave.” Only 10, 000 were left. Still, God said that is too many, the people need to know I did this! The Lord told Gideon to take the remainder down to the brook. Anyone who lapped the water from their hand could go with Gideon to fight. About 300 men from 33,000 men were able to be included in the fight. And they won, they were on the Lord’s side!

Now, in regard to Gideon and his battle, those who lapped the water from their hand were able to keep their eyes on the fight ahead. Those who knelt with their heads down, like dogs, lost their vision, and were excluded from the battle ahead.

I thought about this for a while and began to see one of God’s patterns emerge. Our country is clearly being thrown into a war between good and evil. As believers in Christ, we are the only ones who can draw the line, stop the flow, push back on the minority. Yet we are seeing the believers also falling in line behind the ‘loud crowd’! It reminded me of Gideon. Even when the Lord pared down his warriors from 33,000 to 300, Gideon forged ahead. He knew had a majority with God. We need a Gideon to rise up and remind us that we are a nation founded on Godly principles. It is only because the ungodly have a louder voice, and a fear factor, that we are in this position. As we look around, however, we are seeing more and more warriors who are ‘lapping the water from cupped hands’, while watching what is going on in the battle. They are not giving in and going home with fear. It is not time to give up and give in to the evil one, it is time to stand up and sound off as Gideon did when he told his 300 men to cry out; “for the Lord and for Gideon.” Miraculously, they won the battle over the Midianites when they blasted their trumpets and broke their pitchers, because the Lord was with them.

I believe we are in that era right now! We will see the salvation of the Lord as we continue to press on with the Lord before us. I repeat, now is not the time to give in and run home. If we hold steady to our beliefs in God and country, we will see this evil turn toward God again. When people see that the other side really has nothing to offer, they will return. I for one want my trumpet and pitcher ready. I want my eyes on what is going on so I try to stay informed. We want to drink our water with cupped hands, and keep our eyes on the Lord! Whose with me?

2 Responses

  1. jeanne blodnikar

    Really liked May 17. We too must be ready for the battle, with the Lord on our side, we are mighty. Shine the light, expose the darkness!

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