Are You Seeing This?

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Matthew 10:16.

 New King James Version  Persecutions Are Coming . “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

NOTE:This is the continuation from yesterday’s blog.

An illusion is something that is wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses. We need to have a discerning spirit to ferret out the illusions and tricks of our enemy, Lucifer.

It would definitely be to our advantage if the foul player held up this sign in the photo before his tricks, wouldn’t it? But no, he counts on our forgetful and forgiving nature so that he uses the same illusions over and over! We do have the power of Holy Spirit living within us to reveal truth when we see it-and also the lie! We also have the sword of the spirit, the Word of God! Read it, memorize it, meditate on it and even apply it to situations to see how it stacks up.

Let’s go back to some more of the tricks Lucifer has used over the years. A ‘you must always feel good’ mentality has taken over our culture. Therefore, when we have an ache or pain we run to the medicine chest to stop the pain. We forget to turn to the Great Physician. He wants us well and whole. As a result of the thought that we should always be pain free, we have not learned to cope with the small pains, physical or emotional, so when the big ones come on us we must do something to numb the pain. Even Christian people are guilty of this.

I see this like the first in a series of choices that has the potential to become a full blown drug or alcohol addiction. It would be better if we got into the habit of taking our issues to the prayer closet instead of the medicine chest.

Or, another plague in our nation right now is the thought that the government should bail us out of our financial situations. Did we forget that any government that can give you something–can also take it away? As a result of getting from government hand outs, we become dependent on the government, then the ‘rug’ is pulled out from under us and we are left worse than before! Check out other countries who have used this illusion already! Check out our own economy as we have workers reluctant to go back to work when unemployment is a higher paycheck!

How about all these people who are feeling ‘gender confusion’? Haven’t we all felt some confusion about our gender placement at some point growing up? I remember going through a ‘phase’ where I wanted to dress like my Dad! It was a phase, like phases of the moon, wait-it will change. God does not make mistakes, He as all wisdom. We make mistakes, we don’t have His wisdom. That is a mistake there is no turning back from!

I believe there a couple of ways this current trend downward could play out in reality. We could continue to see this downward spiral in the morality of the world, and America in particular. It is difficult to imaging how much worse it could get, but there are still levels of degradation that Lucifer could use if he needs to drag out all his tricks. This could lead to the return of Christ, and our home-going. Aghhh…that would be my choice if things continue to go south!

Still, God’s love us so much that He is not willing that anyone perish. With that in mind, He could hold back His son from coming for us for a little longer. He might just be preparing us for the Third Awakening! If there is enough pressure put on the segment of believers, the remnant, there might just be a push-back on what Lucifer is attempting. We might see prayer meetings with repentant believers across the nation. Churches will overflow on Sunday’s as people see that God is their only hope to live uprightly in this fallen world.

Whatever happens is in God’s hands, we just need to be aware and watch carefully for the illusions, and for Christ’s return! Are ya with me?

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