Hand Writing

posted in: Encouragement | 0

Dear faithful readers, It has been a busy week for me and I have not been able to get to writing! Please stay tuned as I have returned!

Isaiah 49:15-16

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast. and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! 16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

I am sure as a child you did some crazy things, and you may have even carried those habits into adulthood. One crazy habit I had in school was writing on my hands. If I needed to remember a time, a date, a phone number, that’s the piece of paper that is always handy! When I was in the hospital recently I even saw a nurse write down my blood pressure on her hand! I laughed and she said she did not have the chart nearby and she was afraid she might forget it! When my Mom was having heart surgery years ago, the Dr. came out of the OR and wrote a diagram of the procedure on his scrub pants to explain to the family what he had done! I cracked up! It was handy.

As a child I was often scolded for writing on my hands, my arms or even my pants. Yet we humans were not the first to use this list making technique! If you read the verse above you will find out that God writes OUR names on his palms. Can you imagine that? The creator of the Universe wants to have our names engraved on His hands. I have a photo above showing the creases up close on someones palm. That’s the way I envision our names on His hands. Since His hands must be huge, and there are a ka-zillion to the 9th power of names of us His people (not a real number obviously) , I envision that our names are written into those tiny delicate creases in His hands. Just imagine that He folds up His hands and places them over His heart. We are all there with Him! I for one am comforted by that fact.

As children we would find comfort in holding a stuffed toy close to our heart. I find comfort now knowing that my name is written on His palm, thinking of God carrying it close to His heart. Just imagine, if you will, the creator of the universe carrying all of our names on His palms every day, everywhere, in everything He does. He says we are always on His mind and He is not a God who lies, or forgets. It would seem these names are not there so He won’t forget, but they are there so our essence will always be with Him. In everything He does we are with Him! Just imagine the many times during the course of even one day that you either look at your hands, wash your hands or use your hands to do a task. Every single time God does that, He sees our names. I would like to think He smiles!

So look at your hands right now. Go ahead and look. Remember the God who loves you has your name engraved on His palms. Shouldn’t we have His name engraved on our hearts?

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