What Are You Leaning On?

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Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
​and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to Him,
    and He will make your paths straight.

​​I am sure we all remember a time when in a Social Awareness Class our teachers posed this experiment:

Someone stands in front of a trusted friend and falls backward ‘trusting’ the standing friend will catch them. Unfortunately, you cannot always trust that friend to catch! My husband knew of a teacher he worked with who posed that question to his middle school students. Everyone stood in place, but, when the time came to ‘catch,’ the boy didn’t! The boy in front fell, crashing to the floor and hurting his head. The boy who did not catch thought it would be a funny prank and he would gain some status from his peers. But his plan backfired. Instead, they ridiculed him unmercifully until he threatened, then executed, a death wish on himself! So incredibly sad. Our words and actions matter. They truly can bring life… or death.  

In the scripture we are looking at today, we are instructed to physically place our trust in the Lord, not in our own understanding of the situation. The implication is that before you act, or react to any situation, lean on the Word! Every single situation we face in life has already been addressed in the Bible. Amazing, isn’t it? Thousands of years ago God inspired over 30 writers to give us all we need to live life to the fullest, in God’s instruction book. We just need to read it!  

So, before you ‘lean’ on anything for too long, check out what the Bible says about it! When you place your trust in God, you never have to worry about falling. He will catch you every time!  

We are in a society that is experiencing a very high rate of suicide! We ARE our brother’s keeper, therefore we must watch and pray for others. Be mindful of our speech, and ask people questions if you ever suspect a depressed spirit!

Question: Can you recall a time when you chose to lean on the Word of God for an answer or situation in life? Feel free to share with our readers via the Reply Box below. 

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