Blood! It’s Important For Life!

posted in: Think About This! | 1

1 John 1:7

7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

It sounded easy enough…go to Mom’s and putz around in her apartment while she took her shower. Not so easy! My granddaughter did it all the time and it sounded easy. She was on vacation so I was filling in. It started out fine; she got her towel ready, got the chair situated in the shower, regulated the water, and I picked out a lovely outfit for her to wear as we had a visit. I brought lunch for her and we had a couple paperwork projects we needed to work on.

I hear her in the shower, fine. I hear some heavier breathing and ask if she is ok. Yes, she is fine-right then! As she got out of the shower and sat on the seat outside in the bathroom, she began to huff. I peeked in, trying to give her privacy. She was just sitting there. Her face was pale, her eyes were closed. I asked again; ‘are you okay?’ “Yes” came a weak reply. After another little while she made her way the 6 feet into her bedroom chair.

Sitting there she was pale and having a hard time breathing. “Mom, are you okay?” “I can’t breathe” was her weak reply. I called her Dr. Their advise was to call 911. I understood that was probably the best thing, but she had already had 2 other times that she called 911, spend a few days in the hospital, and returned-no better! She lost hope.

I continued to help her dress but each movement was a monumental effort. Finally, when she began to wheeze, she said; ‘call 911.’

The paramedics were there in a flash. They checked for the heart first. good The lungs-good. Blood pressure-fine. Even her oxygen saturation rate was normal. After explaining that she had a blood transfusion just 2 days before, the para-medic had an ah ha moment. You are loosing blood!

Blood. The fuel for our bodies. It was somehow escaping from her body through a malfunction somewhere. As a result, the life nourishing oxygen providing hemoglobin was not doing the job it was meant to do. She could not think clearly. She could not move efficiently. She could not get the oxygen she needed to energize her muscles, to think, to breathe! She is in the hospital now as the professionals make every attempt to determine what has to be done to repair the breech in her system.

Blood. I realized that we don’t give enough attention to that red liquid that flows through our bodies allowing us to live care-free doing what we want to do. Blood. The liquid that carries our DNA in every drop and has the entire code for our well being. Blood. We cannot live without it!

I also realized that there was another One who spilled out His own blood so that you and I might be able to enjoy life to the full here, and then eternally in Heaven. Of course, that is Jesus. I imagined as Jesus was on the cross and His blood was spilling out more quickly than it could be replaced, he began experiencing the symptoms my Mom experienced. First a weakness that barely allowed her to move her arms and legs. A cold feeling that nothing would warm. Finally, a lack of breath!

Paramedics are the hero link between us and hospitals. There was no paramedic for Jesus! He gasped for His breaths until there was no blood, no oxygen, no strength left. Then He said; “it is finished.” Everything His Father asked Him to do was done! Now, the ball is in our court! As we bounce the ball around called ‘life’ so glibly and in such a nonchalant manor, do we ever thing of the importance of that life blood? My Mom would have lost her life here on earth without a transfusion of blood someone else generously gave. We will not have a life in Heaven after we leave earth without the eternal ‘transfusion’ Jesus generously gives us when we receive Him as our Savior. Mom could have refused that lifesaving blood. It is her choice. We also have that choice-accept the blood transfusion from Jesus, and live for eternity. Reject the blood transfusion from Jesus-and die eternally.

Take a moment and think about it!

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