Choose Wisely!

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Isaiah 14:12-14 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in …

August…the dog days of summer!  We are knee deep into them!  Just a note, lest you thing ‘dog days’ refer to the panting of the dog in the heat of these days, (as I once did) it actually refers to the fact that they coincide with the Dog star, Sirius!  No matter what the rhyme or reason-these days are hot!  The Bible talks about hot places and hot things quite a lot.  One in particular is a place we can choose to go to-or avoid.    God tells us He prepared a special place for Lucifer and the rest of the angels that sided with Lucifer.  When this most beautiful angel thought he could be God, he was quickly dealt with and removed from Heaven.  The angels that followed Lucifer were cast out with their faux leader.    The place prepared for them is…Hell!  If you can imagine a place where there is continuous torture and there will not ever be a way to escape; that is hell!

Just so you are aware, this place was not prepared for mankind, but for disobedient angels.  Unfortunately, when men and women reject God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, God cannot allow them into Heaven, the place where sin has been forgiven by trusting in the Lord Jesus who made the sacrifice and exchanged our sin for His righteousness. It is an easy place to avoid.  Follow the rules, follow Jesus, always stay on the right side of His laws!  His reward is out of this world!

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