Disney Down Under!

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Matthew 24:42-43

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your LORD will come. 43But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.

Have you ever been to Disney, either world or land? On the front as you enter, at both, it proclaims it is the ‘happiest place on earth’. It is a very happy place. It is a place where the entire concept is ‘enjoy your stay with us!’ Every character is drilled on that concept. Every worker is given very strict training about how to treat the guests. Every piece of paper is picked up-almost before it lands on the ground. Every rest room is spotless, and stays that way all day.

We stayed for the parade and fireworks several times when we visited. If you situate yourself on the parade route by a huge set of double doors that are somewhat concealed, you will see the characters as they exit the ‘Disney down under’ and enter the public area. Behind those doors is the place where costumes are stored and cleaned, actors are dressed, hair and make-up done, as well as practices and training. It is the place Disney does not want you to see because then the illusion of an almost perfect world would be destroyed! You knew it had to happen somewhere-right? This is the place of preparation. Kind of like our world!

The Bible talks quite a bit about preparation and being ready! We are in that ‘Disney down under’ in our world right now! We are behind those big doors getting ready for His second return! How you might ask? Well, the Bible tells us our garments (representing our selves) should be without ‘spot or wrinkle’. Ephesians 5:27 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

Preparing ourselves for the day of His return means to get our lives in order, lining up with His commands. Just like the Disney down under has a standard they live up to, how much more does a Holy and Perfect God have standards? Where can we find these standards? You guessed it…the Bible. When the actors for a part in a Disney production accept their role, they are given the ‘rules’ and a script. I guess it depends how much they really want the part that determines how much they really study and prepare for it. It does not take long for the manager in the interview to determine if they are prepared. They may be turned away, or taken in as a Disney team member! It is hard work. I believe it is the same with our spiritual life. It IS hard work, but the reward is out of this world! STAY READY SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET READY!

When those big doors open and the parade of characters begin the procession, it is too late to look for shoes, fix your sword, or put on your wig! You MUST be ready-or be FIRED! In God’s economy He has given us all these years on this earth to get ready spiritually, and STAY ready! He will return in the twinkling of an eye, and that is just not enough time to get your life in order! Do it now, lest you be FIRED…

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