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2 Peter 3:9

9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient ( B ) with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. ( C )

I hope that title grabbed your attention. I am looking around this nation and I become very saddened by what I am seeing. Every day we have veterans who served this country to retain our freedoms, living and dying on our streets. Trillions of our tax dollars go to other nations, are we doing enough for our vets here?

Many others are dying from illegally brought in drugs, especially the ones laced with fentanyl. I know of three young women myself. Have we really addressed this monumental problem?

Others are so depressed with their circumstances that they are ending their own lives, while still others are going through heroic measures to save their life from a sickness that has no cure. Are we looking into these issues?

We have very serious issues in this country that require leadership with Solomon’s wisdom. I am fearful that we don’t have it right now. Over the years that we can read the history of this world in the Bible, and through other historical literature we have seen this ebb and flow before. People are disobedient and away from God-God’s wrath beginning to manifest itself. God hears us as we cry out to Him. It breaks His heart because He loves us and cannot bear to see us go to hell. He relents and we serve Him…for a while.

In reality every generation has had someone, or several people stand up and tell the world…JESUS IS COMING SOON, REPENT AND BE SAVED! This is our job now! It is a critical job, a matter of life and death-literally! We each need to take up this banner an wave it wherever we go. The enemy’s side certainly does!

I just wonder how many times God will allow this pattern to go on before He pierces the sky with His return? This may be our moment to shine like a beacon on a hill and usher in the second coming of our Lord! Maranantha…Come quickly Jesus!

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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