Is It Really Over?

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John 3:16-19 (NLT)

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.

Picture it…Bethlehem…1 B.C….an infant cries lying in a feeding trough and his mamma picks him up and feeds him. The shepherds had come and gone, the angels had come and gone, even many people from the little town of Bethlehem and the visitors there for the census-had come and gone. Now what? Now it was just Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus carving out their new family life together. So, was that it? Was that all there was to this unprecedented miraculous birth? Was this the end of the story?

No-that was just the beginning! Even when a baby is born today it is just the beginning of their story and their interactions with other people. We recently went to Honesdale, Pennsylvania to the Wayne County Historical Museum. It was very interesting to find out how that small coal town came to become one of the largest suppliers of coal to the north east USA, and beyond. It was also the birthplace of Dorflinger Glass and many textile industries. Still the one thing that drew me to Honesdale was to see the birthplace of Dick Smith, the lyricist for the song ‘Winter Wonderland’. That is such a lighthearted, fun, whimsical song that would take me back to my own childhood each year when I would hear it. I remembered playing out in deep snow banks when we had the day off from school. Getting the neighborhood kids together for a snowball fight. Making the largest snowpeople ever and dressing them up with our own hats, scarves and gloves. My husband bought me a small book about Smith’s lifein the gift shop. I read it and I was engrossed in his story, and I got caught up in my own memories at the same time!

I thought about the friends I played with in my childhood. Many are gone now! I thought about Christmas when I was older and walked through the mantle of white glittering snow to Christmas Eve services. On my boyfriend’s arm one year, my fiance’ the next year, my husband the next year, and the father of our son just a few short years later. All the same man , by the way.

Dick Smith was only 34 years old when he died of tuberculosis in 1935. It was only 1 year after he wrote ‘Winter Wonderland’ and long before he saw the massive popularity of this playful winter song. He did get to see it published though. You can still see his humble home on Church St. in Honesdale. A reminder of a short life with a great contribution to our memories.

The baby born in the humble stable also had a short life, yet His legacy will live on forever. See, Dick Smith impacted our lives with his legacy song, maybe for a season as we enjoy singing his tune for the winter. Jesus impacts our lives for eternity! He is The One and only one who by His life gave us the opportunity to live forever. Yes, Smith returns us to some beautiful memories each year when we hear his lyrics, but Jesus impacts our lives each and every day! When we read His Word, it gives us hope for our tomorrows. It takes away the fears facing us in our today’s and it offers more than just royalties for a song…He offers eternal life after we die, and abundant life while we are here on this earth!

Yes, this baby made an impact on this world through ALL ages. His is not a small book of facts and photos, His is our instruction book for life. Oh, I recommend going to Honesdale and seeing Dick Smith’s inspiration for his song. But I HIGHLY recommend that you take a spiritual trip to the tomb where our risen Lord, Savior, and King is no longer. He went back to Heaven to be with His Father, and when He went, our lives had just began! No, that baby in the manger was not all that there was to the story. That was just the beginning! Do you know the author of this beautiful tune called Salvation? It’s not too late to get to know Him today!

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