President’s Day With My ‘Crown’, Evan!

posted in: Promises of God | 0

Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
    and parents are the pride of their children.

Proverbs 17:6

Well, I had a fun day with my ‘crown’ as the Bible calls my grandson! He is a fun and very active 12 year old, so whenever he can come for a visit in the nice weather, we like to go outdoors and explore! Yesterday was a perfect day for it.

The original plan included a trip to our local park, a trip to the library, and then maybe bike riding or playing games. That was not to be!

After we had a nice pizza lunch we did go to the park. We walked the track, he skipped rocks across the river, we saw some ducks floating backwards downstream! He went on virtually every piece of playground equipment. Then everything changed when we left the park. I could not believe that the library would be closed on a day when kid’s are off school! I thought that would be a great opportunity to have a fun day planned for the neighborhood. But no!

So, we went home and got out his ‘mongoose’ bike. He rode a while than asked if we could go for a walk. Of course! We actually drove to downtown Olyphant. I thought it might be a good opportunity to check out the local ‘downtown’ area! Guess what? As we walked down the street and perused each business place…it was closed! Well we found out that Monday is considered their week-end and they are closed every Monday. We kept walking down the street looking at the windows of each business. We walked around residents of the apartments sitting in their chairs on the sidewalks. We saw many business windows, some nice, some needed work! Finally at the end of the street we came to a railroad. We always enjoy looking at those! It turned out to be a little scary because that rails were supported, but around those rails were just trusses for the bridge. A small person could fall right down into the river below! Moving to a safer spot, we watched some mallards in the river enjoying the nice weather, then we walked to the Queen City Train Station. We had never stood on the platform before so it was somewhat nostalgic thinking about the fact that this was the mode of transportation for people not too many years ago. People would stand at the station to travel or meet someone traveling to them.

Continuing down the other side of the street-the sunny side, we finally found an open shop! It was a crafting studio! Right in my wheelhouse. The owner welcomed us in and gave us a tour. She was very personable and we enjoyed our visit with her. Even found out that she has her name into the council for consideration for the next mayor of our little borough!

On our drive back home I showed Evan the path the river takes through the flat areas of ‘O Town’. We just had a time of exploration, chatter, and sun with some laughs tossed in. Too soon our adventure ended and I returned him to his rightful owners, his parents.

Pondering the day later on, I was reminded of the verse in II Timothy 1:5. Please allow me the freedom the change the names to reflect my reality. “When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Donna and your mother Robin, and I am persuaded is in you , Evan, also.”

A grandparent’s crown! With my love for you, Evan, and a hope for many more adventures!

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