My Liberty Island-Triumphant!

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Leviticus 25:10 KJV

and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

I was so inspired by the Whitewing Farm property we went to last year, that I began dreaming of an area in our backyard. The area is kind of two kidney shaped spaces with several trees and plants growing, plus some area we can put more plants or decorations. My husband had separated it from the rest of the yard to cut down his mowing area, I saw it as ‘Liberty Island’. First we put a bench up against the trees. Then we added little decorations and plants, including some seeds, to make a cozy area to sit and read a book. Part of the day it is sunny, part shaded, so it is nice whenever you want some quiet reflective time. After we added a flag and some other red-white and blue decor, I thought it truly reflects our patriotic spirits!

As I sat in one of those reflective times, I thought about our country, and prayed! We appear to be in a crisis mode. A cross road of sorts, and one that can make or break a man-or a nation. The good thing is, it is not the first time we have been at this point! A look back at our history reveals that there have been many times that we have been on the brink and we have been pulled back to the freedom side by the hand of God.

From the beginning our forefathers had to fight every step of the way to retain the freedoms they earned-often with their blood . From Bunker Hill to Valley Forge men were tested to see how badly they wanted freedom. The Alamo, the battle of New Orleans and Gettysburg tested our will and our resilient spirit. And we won!

Now we face wars against domestic terrorism and global terrorism. As long as we do not let our guard down and become complacent, we will be triumphant. There have been tests that have challenged our freedoms in each generation. The American spirit is alive and well and with each test we will not be bullied by tyranny! Individuals who have been tested over the many years have been the example for us that this is not the time to give in and give up. It is the time to stand up, dig down for our resolve to retain the freedoms our forefathers bleed and died for, so the next generations could enjoy the freedoms we have. Here are some examples;

Maria wanted to become a US citizen. The test is difficult and she could not pass it! Finally she called on people for prayer. She took the test again and passed. That is the stick-to-it spirit we need in the US.

Harriet Powers, a slave who was freed after the civil war was a single Mom with nine children. Harriet made quilts to help support her family and since few at that time could read, she stitched Bible stories into her quilts. She passed the test of liberty.

The greatest test of liberty however, was the test Jesus took in the garden. He could have given up at any moment and just said; “Father I can’t”. Bet He passed the test and as the result, all of humanity has Liberty Triumphant!

I believe as we go forward in this nation, we will be called upon like so many who have gone before us, to stand for liberty when we face a challenge against it. I pray we will be like our hero’s of the faith, and of this nation who put Jesus first, others second, and themselves last as they helped cause our Liberty to be triumphant!

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