Just Me Venting!

posted in: Think About This! | 0

I Corinthians13 

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Yes, I admit it! I am trying to hide behind the rhododendron! Not working-you found me!

Thank You, my faithful readers. You keep returning even when I have not posted anything new, and let me tell you why! Last week was my turn for doctor and dentist appointments! I have been running my mom for tests and doctors and emergencies. The week looked clear, so i got an appointment with my gastroenterologist for a routine endoscopy. I have esophageal cancer in my family, so it is a precautionary measure. Fairly easy (except fasting from my coffee till afternoon) and virtually painless procedure (except for the fact that the nurse did not listen when I said put the IV in the left hand. Now I have 2 painful holes in my hands).

Thursday of that week I had a dental cleaning with one dentist and some crowns at another. Why 2 dentists? Insurance.

So, though the new crowns are not the finished product, they are temporary, they still look great. It was a rough time for my mouth though! I have bruised inner mouth parts that I am suffering through.

Friday, however, was the worst! Woke up feeling sick, tired, coughing, feverish. No gym today for me! I would be run out on a rail if I went there like this!

As the day wore on, I wore down even further. I gave in, because it was Friday and you cannot get a doctor on the week-end—I called the doctor.

“You need to come down to the office, go around the back and we will meet you there with THE SWAB!!!”

“No!” I say, “I don’t think I have covid, I just have a cough, fever and nausea.”

“Call before you come and we will meet you at your car.” No other option!

Well, I felt sick enough to comply. I also remembered that 7 months earlier I made a similar call to them. They allowed me to go in to the office for the swab test. I got sick in the waiting room! They remembered! I had covid then-I have it now! So, I struggle to put 2 sentences together in a coherent way when my brain is not cooperating. Today, after much prayer from wonderful friends, a good anti-viral med and a great cough medicine, I feel somewhat human!

Oh no! Gotta run! Ron is calling me…he’s sick! ‘Coming honey, I’m bringing the bucket”

Side note, June 14 is our 47th wedding anniversary and his 71st birthday. This is how you spell true love; COMMITMENT…even in sickness!

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