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Psalm 139:13-16

13 For you created my inmost being;v

you knit me togetherw in my mother’s womb.x

14 I praise youy because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,z

I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you

when I was madea in the secret place,

when I was woven togetherb in the depths of the earth.c

16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all the days ordainedd for me were written in your book

before one of them came to be.

As the nation is in an uproar today at the Supreme Court decision about Roe v Wade, I want to express my humble opinion. I AM PRO-CHOICE!

I just differ as to when you make the choice!

In high-school (or younger) we all learn the biology about how a baby enters a woman’s body. When we as women become sexually active, it is our responsibility to decide BEFORE we get into bed with (hopefully our husband) a man IF we want to have a baby. Every sexual encounter has the potential of becoming a pregnancy! When I learned that as a teen, the thought of a sexual encounter producing a baby I was not ready for scared me so much, I abstained from sex! When I learned in the Bible that I did the right thing, I thought, ‘all girls need to know this’. God blesses us when we obey His Word, and sex before marriage is on the ‘thou shall not’ list!

We know, however, from my previous posts that the invention of the birth control pill made ‘free love’ the norm. When the ‘pill’ failed, abortion became the back up solution.

I do know it is not as simple as I am making it. I do know there are extenuating circumstances with mother or baby’s health. Those are VERY rare! When have legally killed over 60 MILLION PEOPLE people in this country, you know it is not for the sake of mom or baby’s health, and we cannot say it is rare, as it was ‘sold’ to us!

In the case of rape or incest…again, very rare, I believe EVERY life is precious to God and He has a plan for that baby-and mom. Many children born of those ‘less than ideal circumstances, grow and live productive lives knowing their father is God!

For women who have had an abortion. I do not condemn you! You can be forgiven by God, accepted my man, and go on to help others who go through the pain of an abortion. Women who have had abortions are told to ‘never think of it again’. Guess what? They think about it EVERY DAY! I am working with a ministry called ‘Deeper Still’. It is a healing ministry for women-and men, who experienced the trauma of an abortion. People are healed through Jesus and made whole through forgiveness from their Heavenly Father.

If you, or someone you know, has been tortured with their abortion(s), may I suggest Deeper Still’? Find it on line, or contact me. I will keep it confidential!

So, yes I am pro-choice! I CHOOSE LIFE, healing, wholeness, and forgiveness. How about you?

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