My Heart is Yours!

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Colossians 3:1

​Since then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above.

There is an overwhelming feeling we get when our hearts are connected with another person! In the movie Bambi, Thumper called it ‘twitterpated.’ We might call it love, but not always in the sense of lovers. I know you have felt it in your lifetime! It’s this feeling: You ‘popped the question’ (or had it popped to you), and if you had been waiting for it, and imagining when it would happen, you are twitterpated!’ As you are standing waiting for your bride to enter the church and walk down the aisle, your heart skips a beat in anticipation, then she enters and you are beside yourself with joy.

Or the doctor announces: ‘you have a healthy baby girl’ (or boy). You react with awe and your entire being rises for the occasion. Or, your oldest makes the honor roll for the first time and your spirit soars. Your youngest makes the basket that wins the game… oh yeah, you are soaring!

Or, maybe you just gave your heart to Jesus and promised to give your entire future to Him. The burdens of this life lift and you feel like you are so light you can just float into the atmosphere! That’s what Jesus is reminding us in today’s scripture verse. After all, He said our eternal dwelling place is in Heaven with HIM!

Let’s talk about that for a minute. When our ‘heart is set’ on something, we have this idea that we will do that thing or get that thing. I have ‘my heart set’ on a sapphire anniversary ring. Sapphire is the gemstone for my September Birthday. June will be our 47th Anniversary! So, I have been stopping in every jewelry store at the mall, checking things out online, looking at my friend’s rings for ideas. My heart is set on that ring!

We have some changes in our attitude when our heart is set on something. Before we were thinking of marriage when our friends got engaged, it was great for them, but we were not twitterpated. We may have been to many weddings, and the excitement of seeing the bride for the first time has you camera ready, but, you are not beside yourself with joy. Oh sure we always enjoy new births, but nothing beats the voice of the doctor with the announcement of YOUR child, and no other child is as beautiful as yours! Your entire being is in awe.

You get the picture. These are all wonderful occasions, just not YOUR occasions. Yet, when you receive Jesus into YOUR heart, when you have asked for forgiveness and said you will follow His lead, well, then you have your mind set on things above. Since it’s you and your heart, it is so much more remarkable. It is YOUR occasion. It is YOUR life that has changed. It is YOU that has a place being prepared for you in the most glorious place in the universe – Heaven! From now on, your heart will be set on Jesus, and what He desires for your life. Of course, your emotions and thoughts will be raised with Christ. And, when you have been raised with Christ, well, you know what they say, “a rising tide lifts all boats.” Be the ‘rising tide’ that lifts all boats to set their hearts on Jesus! 

Question: Can you remember the exact day you set your heart on Jesus for the first time? Feel free to share that special occasion in the Reply Box below. 

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