Roe Backward to Move Forward

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2 Chronicles 7:14

IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Birthday’s are so exciting! Remember those days when you knew you had a birthday just around the corner and you felt like a VIP just thinking about how that number was going to tick up a notch! Recently we celebrated another birthday for good ‘ole USA! 246 years! I had a little celebration at my women’s Bible study!

We dressed patriotic, we ate red-white-and blue, my decorations were all stars and stripes, and the topic was confession and forgiveness. Wait! What?? How is THAT patriotic? Allow me to explain.

Recently a decision from almost 50 years ago was overturned by the Supreme Court of these United States! This was the first step in removing the scourge that has held our nation in a literal death grip! Two years ago, in front of the Washington Monument, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Rev. Franklin Graham both held prayer and forgiveness rally’s September 26, 2020. Both had a shared goal; RETURN our nation to the roots it was founded upon! Of course we could not know it then, but that prayer had become just one of many that was heard by God. The Remanent of His people will always be heard, and answered!

I am of a strong belief that we are beginning the ‘Return’ to those beliefs that held our country together for so many years! We are ‘rowing’ back to our God given rights and our Constitution! When you are rowing a boat, to go forward, you must row backward! That is where we are right now! ‘Roe-ing’ backward, overthrowing bad decisions, to go forward, reaching to the tried and true.

This is not the time to take that decision for granted, or gloat. It is not the time to be prideful or pompous. This is the time to be even more prayerful, thankful, and at peace knowing God is at work in the government of this beautiful experiment we call-America! WE as Americans must do our part also; pray-research candidates-vote pro-life!

Please pray for our Supreme Court and all those who serve in government. Their task is not easy-especially when they are rowing against the natural flow of liberalism. Still, this has always been a nation where men and women were willing to lay down their lives and die for our freedom! I pray it will continue to be so!

NOTE; If you would like to help send someone who suffers from ‘post abortion stress’, I am taking donations and selling bracelets to send someone to a week-end retreat for a healing experience with Deeper Still. Search You can contact me at: Send donations or, express an intrest in a Deeper Still retreat at; Donna Liples 145 Northpoint Drive Olyphant, PA 18447 ALL CORRESPONDENCE COMES TO ME AND IS CONFIDENTIAL. GIVE ME A WAY TO CONTACT YOU, I PROMISE, I WILL!

All bracelets are hand made by me. I am asking for at least a $5.00 donation for each bracelet. ALL proceeds go to Deeper Still ministry. If you are local, I can meet you nearby, if I need to ship, there will be an additional ship fee. Thank You!

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