Serenity on the River!

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Psalm 18:1 NKJV

I will love you O Lord, my strength, The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my deliverer;

Sometimes we need to actively seek out serenity! I recommend going out into nature and just watching it! I have a back yard that is known as our ‘wildlife habitat’. I enjoy watching as the groundhog family, yes, mom, dad and 2 little ones, run around looking for…well, whatever they are looking for! I have seen deer, birds, bees, butterflies, beetles and a plethora of insects that are just amazing to watch! We even had a couple of fox that just traveled through as they went to their destination. I know not everyone feels that way, and I did not feel that way myself until more recently. That’s when I began to see these creatures as God made, and worshiping Him as they go about doing what they were created to do. We should learn to do the same!

On a trip to the local park with our grandchildren we made many such discoveries. It had stormed a few days before and the river was swollen. Ducks were on one end of the river and a fallen tree arched over the rock formations below. We just watched as people walked, rode bikes and played on gym equipment, and played many different sports in the large grassy areas.

When we can all live together in harmony with our surroundings and just doing what we were created to do, we have a serenity that is priceless!

Some people dwell in the past. Their wrong decisions, errors, mistakes. The ‘woulda, shoulda, coulda’s’. These people are often depressed remembering all the poor decisions they made.

Others look into the future and see only gloom and doom. Poor health, poor economy, poor relationships. These people become depressed.

Still others live in the present! This is where I remind myself to live. See, in the present we know God is with us. We can appreciate His presence right beside us, even walking through the valley.

Of course my grandchildren are young and have not been scarred by many past experiences that can jade your outlook. Still, when you take the control of your own thoughts and attitudes, placing them under the authority that Jesus gave it, we can move that attitude from anxious or depressed right over to the PEACEFUL present! Remember the verse above…the Lord IS our rock!

May I suggest that you go outside, take a deep breath and move your thought process to the present! God has our best present at His heart. Remember, it is called the ‘PRESENT’!

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